평생교육바우처 신청 Open Forum > Lifelong Education Voucher User Guide > Lifelong Education Center

평생교육바우처 신청♧ Application period ♧ How to apply ① Online application (www.lllcard.kr) ② Apply by visiting the user organization ♧Notification of selected candidates ♧ Card issuing institution: NH Nonghyup Bank (including Nonghyup and livestock cooperatives) ♧ Card type: NH Nonghyup BC Check Card that uses NH Nonghyup Bank account as the payment account ♧ Issuance … Read more

평생교육바우처 신청 Lifelong Education Voucher Application

The government provides lifelong education vouchers (lifelong education vouchers) to provide a subsidy of 350,000 won per person to low-income families. The Education Voucher is a learning voucher designed to provide equal learning opportunities for all, and to enable self-determination of lifelong learning activities. If you are selected as a recipient of support, you can … Read more