중고나라 사기 secondhand country scam

hello. How are you all doing at the end of the week? Exactly 12 days ago, I traded women’s luxury wallets on the Joongongara site. Since the distance is far from each other, direct transaction was not possible, and I deposited 500,000 won to the seller through a courier transaction. And taking the time, they didn’t give me my money back. Evidence has now been secured and handed over to the police station. Today, I did a direct investigation on how to check the fraudulent investigation of Jungjungnara so as not to cause a victim like me. Let’s find out how to do a fraud inquiry right now!

중고나라 사기

Please search for the keyword “Dutch Cheat” in the Naver search bar to search for fraudulent use in used country. Then, the official website of Dutch in the red square box will appear as follows. The cheat website contains detailed account information and member information of scammers. 중고나라 사기

In order to check the used country fraud inquiry, please log in. If you are not a member, you can proceed with a fraud inquiry after registering as a member. Please refer to the inquiry as you must pay a certain amount to be able to view it. 좋은뉴스

And if you want to see the list of scammers in the country, please click the red square box home button on the screen above. Then you will be moved to the next screen.

Please click the red square box that says Direct Transaction Damage Case in the upper left corner.

In this way, the member information and account information of the scammers in direct and courier transactions are detailed. As of today, the victims are continuing one after another. Always be careful.

n the future, I plan to conduct a safe transaction after conducting a fraud inquiry on the seller’s identity on the Dutch cheat site before making a transaction in used country. Please use the cheat site to conduct a transaction with the seller after conducting a fraud inquiry in the used country. thank you