줌 사용법 How to use zoom

Hello, today I am going to tell you about how to use Zoom. These days, as non-face-to-face meetings and classes are active, video conferencing programs such as Zoom are used a lot these days. Using zoom can be confusing at first, but it’s easy enough that you’ll understand everything after just trying it once.

zoom download link


Here is a link to download Zoom. Clicking on this Zoom download link will automatically start the Zoom download. It can be used equally on mobile and tablet. In the case of mobile, you can search for zoom in the Google Play Store or App Store and download it.

After downloading Zoom, enter it again and the following screen will appear. All you need to do is sign up with your Google account and you are ready to use Zoom. You can now join a meeting or hold a meeting in person.

줌 사용법

To join the meeting first, click [Join Meeting] in the upper right corner. After that, a screen will appear where you can enter the meeting ID or link name. If you were invited to a meeting, you most likely received a numeric ID. In that case, simply enter the number you received here. 줌 사용법

If you have only received a link for a meeting, you do not need to enter the site like this. If your computer has Zoom installed, you can join the meeting automatically by simply clicking on the link. 좋은뉴스

If a password has been set, enter the password shared with you. Then you will be connected to the meeting. After entering the password, you can join the meeting automatically when the meeting host starts the meeting.

When you tap Host Meeting, you will be presented with options such as camera off or camera on. You can turn it off again when you enter the camera with the camera on, so you can choose the mode you want comfortably. If you’ve made it this far, you’ve already mastered how to use Zoom.

This is the Zoom meeting screen with no one currently invited. If you want to recruit participants in this state, click the participant button below. If there is anything you want to set, please set it up before the participants come in.

Click the Participant button at the bottom to display the following screen. The areas I painted in black include the meeting ID and password. You can provide this ID individually, or if you know your email address, you can email it to us. Alternatively, you can copy the link and post it or post it anywhere you want.

So far, we have looked at how to use zoom, the download link for zoom, and how to have a zoom meeting. Just download the app in the same steps on mobile and enter your ID or touch the link.

As it is a technology that is used for granted in the non-face-to-face era, I hope that you can learn the basics of how to use it and use it appropriately when needed. Then I will come back with more useful information next time.