현금영수증 조회 Cash receipt inquiry and exclusive card issuance

In the past, when this appeared, there was a lot of skepticism from all walks of life. Although there were several forecasts, such as a contraction in the household economy as a result of controlling cash, it was a successful policy.

However, leaving these policy stories behind, the topic we are going to share today is why we do cash receipts, how to apply, and discuss inquiry, income deductions, and VAT and refunds.

1. What is a cash receipt? 현금영수증 조회
It refers to the act of notifying the National Tax Service of a cash transaction and receiving the details as a receipt. In a nutshell, if you pay by credit card, it is automatically registered with the National Tax Service, but you can understand that cash receipts are registered manually.

The reason this was introduced is that, as explained just above, cash is basically non-trackable. Therefore, after the government thought about it, it was started with income deduction as a condition. 이베이스매뉴얼

The government provides these tax benefits to consumers and stores can receive tax credits on the same line as credit card sales slips, so there is no reason not to.

현금영수증 조회

2. How to issue a cash receipt

The most convenient way to issue a cash receipt is through a credit card terminal.

The demand for credit card issuance machines has also skyrocketed due to cash receipts. Without a terminal, it has become a necessary item for business owners because it is necessary to directly register at Hometax and print it out.

1) Consumer

From the consumer’s point of view, all you need to do is to simply issue it. And in most cases, the issuance code is the phone number, so you can call the phone number and ask them to register.

2) Business operator

From the point of view of the business operator, you can ask the consumer for their mobile phone number or social security number on the terminal and enter it on the terminal.

3. How to inquire about cash receipts

It is very simple to check the cash receipt.

1) After accessing the website of the National Tax Service, search for the word “Use Cash Receipt” in the search menu.

2) If you select “Accumulated Usage History”, the details of cash usage by date and time are displayed.

4. The truth of deduction benefits through cash receipts
A 30% tax deduction is provided for the amount exceeding 25% of the total salary

If you receive a cash receipt, you can deduct your income. But if you don’t know how much deduction you’re getting, you’re out of luck.

It is said that there are workers who make 25 million a year.
When I checked the cash receipt, the amount used only as a receipt was 14 million.
25% of 25 million is 6.25 million won.

Of these, 14 million (cash receipts used) – 6.25 million (25% of salary) = 7.75 million, of which 30% is deducted, so you can see that 2,325,000 won is deducted.

If you spend much more than your salary, you can see that there is a lot of money that can be refunded as above.

If you are in the workplace, the refund will be paid in a lump sum since the documents have already been submitted at the workplace.

Today, I checked the cash receipt. The deduction rate is quite high, so if you make sure you take this part, you can get a third salary, so be sure to take it!
Yesterday, while previewing the year-end tax settlement at Toss, I realized that the year-end settlement period was approaching.

It would be good to check the documents required for income and tax deduction in advance before the year-end tax settlement period begins.

Cockney is trying to use his cash receipts every year for tax purposes, up to the maximum deductible.

Occasionally, I forgot the cash receipt or the store owner forgot.
At that time, was the cash payment processed?
In the above situation, you can check the details of whether the cash receipt application was successful or not at the National Tax Service.

It’s not difficult, but since the word National Tax Service is vague, I’m going to give you a simple method.

From now on, I will tell you how to check cash receipts using the National Tax Service Hometax app!!!

Follow me~!

[Toss App] 2021 Year-end Settlement Estimated Amount Preview Support Guide (feat. PASS Certificate)
Hello, I’m Cockney! There is only one month left in 2021. Everything everyone wanted to achieve…
Download the National Tax Service Sontax app (App Store/Google Play Store)
Download the National Tax Service Sontax app from the App Store (Google Play Store).

The National Tax Service Hometax is the official name, but it is called “sontax” for short for “hometax in the hand”.

After downloading, please run the app!

When you access the app, you must authenticate yourself through the ARS service.

Enter your mobile phone number and click the Request Verification Code button.

When mobile phone verification is complete, you can use the Sontax application.

The home screen appears, and login is required to use each menu.

Please click the login button!

Financial certificate registration and financial certificate login
Now, once you hit the login button, you need to choose a login method.

The National Tax Service Sontax currently supports 4 login methods.
Supported login methods
Joint certificate / financial certificate / ID / biometric authentication (face, fingerprint)
Cockney will log in with a financial certificate once.

Everyone knows what a financial certificate is, right?

There were quite a few opinions among users that the existing accredited certificates were inconvenient and inefficient.

So last year, KFTC developed a new certificate, which is a financial certificate.

Let’s take a brief look at the comparison of financial certificates and existing joint certificates (formerly joint certificates).

Joint certificate (formerly public certificate): Stored in storage media such as PC, USB, mobile phone, complicated password, renewed every year
Financial Certificate: Stored in the Cloud of the Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute / Simple password (6-digit number) / Renewed every 3 years

A joint certificate (formerly accredited certificate) had to be renewed before the validity period of one year expired, and if you forgot and passed the validity period, you had to re-issue/re-register again once a year.

If you use a financial certificate, you can extend the extension from once a year to once every 3 years!!

The three-year validity period is a big advantage for Cockney, so financial certificates are mainly used instead of joint certificates.
This was the reason why Cockney chose to log in with a financial certificate.

Then, let’s start again with the financial certificate registration.

If you click on the financial certificate registration section, you will proceed to the financial certificate registration.

After entering your resident registration number, click the Select Financial Certificate button.

Now, to start the financial authentication service again! In addition!!!
After entering personal information and verifying…

I got the verification code 26.

When you receive a verification request text, reply by entering the two-digit verification code.

When I return to the Sontax application after sending a text message, the financial certificate that I was issued with is displayed.

If you do not have one, please access the main bank application and obtain a financial certificate!

The main advantage of financial certificates!

Enter the 6-digit simple password to complete the financial certificate registration.

Financial certificate registration complete!!!

Real Login & Cash Receipt Query
Well followed.

Now is the time to use the registered financial certificate!

Return to the home screen and press the Financial Certificate Verification button.


do you see?? You can see the financial certificate you registered a while ago!!

After selecting, enter the simple password to complete the login.
After logging in, you can use the Sontax menu in earnest.
Issuance of inquiry → Cash receipt inquiry → Usage history (income deduction) inquiry
When you access the menu above, you will finally see a screen where you can check the details of your cash receipt.

You can check the usage history of cash receipts by dividing them into monthly/date/monthly totals.

It’s easy, right? You can set options according to your purpose and search for the required period.

Of course, Cockney thought that the cash receipt was processed, but there was one thing that was not processed, so I solved it today.

If there is a way to save tax ahead of the year-end tax settlement, it would be good to get as much deduction as possible, right?

There is no such thing as an exemplary citizen award for paying a lot of tax…

Here’s what Cockney has prepared for you today!

I hope you all save a lot.