택시 분실물 찾기 Taxi Lost and Found

Taxi lost and found, public transportation lost and found
택시 분실물 찾기

Taxi lost and found, public transportation lost and found
Everyone must have experienced leaving their cell phone or wallet in a taxi at least once. In particular, at the end of the year, when there are many gatherings, cases of loss are frequent. However, once lost, it is not easy to find, so most of them give up. Surprisingly, if you act a little quickly, you can easily find the lost item. In addition to taxis, we have organized a simple search for lost items while using public transportation. 택시 분실물 찾기

1. How to find lost items in a taxi with card payment or cash payment mode 좋은뉴스 
If you paid for a taxi fare by card, call the T-money customer center (1644-1188) and enter your card number and payment date to receive information about the taxi license plate number and driver’s contact information.


If you paid in cash, you can access the National Association of Taxi Transportation Business Associations (taxi.or.kr) and call the lost and found number for your region in the lost and found menu. It is easier to find if you know whether the taxi you took is an individual or a corporation.


▶National Association of Taxi Transportation Business Associations
You can search for phone numbers of lost and found centers in each region on the website of the National Association of Taxi Transportation Business Associations. After entering the homepage, you can check taxi associations across the country through [Taxi Customer Support Center] – [Lost and Found Center].

National Federation of Taxi Transportation Business Associations http://www.taxi.or.kr/



2. Find lost items when you leave something on the subway
It is good to check and remember the time you got off and the compartment number of the place you got off. That’s why some people turn on something like Google’s location program. If you know the location, you can find the lost item by tracking the location of the subway by going to the station office or the lost and found center where you got off and reporting it. You can also contact the office at the last stop of the subway to see if any lost items have been found. The subway lost and found center is available from 9:00 am to 6:00 am on weekdays, and outside of operating hours, visit the station office for inquiries.

3. Find lost items when you leave something on the bus
If you remember these three things: the number of the bus you boarded, the stop you got off of, and the time you got on and off, you’ll increase your chances of finding it. This is because it is easier to identify lost items if you notify the local bus depot of these three things. If it is confirmed that the lost item has been found, you can visit the garage and pick it up. If you need to find something quickly right after getting off the bus, you can check the contact information of the bus driver you boarded at the garage or the bus information system to get in touch.

4. Find lost items when you leave something on the train
If you find out that it has been lost inside the station or right after getting off the train, it is best to report it to the station office immediately. At this time, you can find it more easily if you know the train number, boarding car and seat number for the used section. If you become aware of the loss while boarding the train, you can report it to the flight attendant. If you later find out about the loss, you can find it by checking the lost item at LOST112 of the National Police Agency and then contacting the railway customer center (1544-7788) or the station lost and found center.

5. National Police Agency Lost and Found Information System LOST112
LOST112 is available nationwide and can search for lost items in places such as department stores, restaurants, and schools in addition to public transportation. You can also report a lost item, and it is convenient to see detailed information such as time, place, and photos of the lost item.

National Police Agency Lost and Found Comprehensive Management System



6. Seoul Public Transportation Lost and Found Center
The Seoul Public Transportation Lost and Found Center can search for lost items found not only in taxis, but also in subways and buses. For those who have lost it in Seoul, it may be helpful to search the contents of the site once. I hope you find your lost items.


Seoul Public Transportation Lost and Found Center

Seoul, the charming city of Seoul – public transportation integrated lost and found center. List of found items, registration of found items, and registration of lost items are available.


7. Tips for finding lost items on cards or Kakao Taxi
If you paid by card, you can easily search for the license plate number and driver’s contact information. First, call 1644-1188, enter your card number, and then inquire to check the payment taxi license plate number and driver’s contact information.

If you lose your wallet, you can find out the card number after calling the credit card company you paid for.

And to find lost items in Kakao Taxi, access the Kakao Taxi app and access [My Information] – [Use History] to check usage records and taxi information. However, it is only inquired for 3 days after boarding, and after that, you must check the driver’s phone number through the customer center. You can apply for lost items through service inquiry or chatbot.