지마켓 고객센터 및 전화번호 Gmarket customer center and phone number

This is the Gmarket customer center phone number and agent connection information. I still think Gmarket is the best for purchasing at the lowest price. The customer center was a bit difficult to connect to. You just have to keep trying.

지마켓 고객센터

지마켓 고객센터

Gmarket customer service phone number

G Market’s representative customer service phone number is 1566-5701. This is a customer center that general members and sellers can use. Counselor connection hours are from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. It is said that due to the coronavirus, it is being shortened and only runs until 17:00.

Customer Center Phone Number: 1566-5701
Counselor connection time: Weekdays 9:00 – 18:00

After calling 1566-5701, you can press the speed dial number depending on the service type and connect to a counselor. For inquiries regarding orders and delivery, press 1, for inquiries regarding cancellation, return, or exchange, press 2, and for events or other inquiries, press 3.


Agent connection speed dial

Order 1, delivered
Cancel twice, return, exchange
Event 3, etc.

Gmarket Smile Club Customer Center Phone Number
Members who have joined Smile Club in the General Membership Association have a separate customer center. In addition to the representative call center, it is operated exclusively for members, so connections are said to be quick. I haven’t tried it because I’m not a Smile Club member.

Smile Club dedicated customer service center: 1522-5700
Agent connection time: 9:00 – 18:00

Check and connect to the customer center phone number on the Gmarket website

This is how to connect to the customer center from the Gmarket website. After accessing the Gmarket homepage, if you click the + View all menu in the middle, the entire menu will appear. If you look at the bottom here, you will find the ‘Customer Center’ menu. Click this.


The Gmarket customer center screen appears. Here, the ‘1:1 Inquiry’ headset icon is floating, so you can press it. If you select ‘Phone consultation’, you can immediately connect by phone at 1566-5701.


It feels like the G Market Customer Center connection menu is very hidden. Companies don’t open their customer center information too much. I feel like they’re making me give up calling by making it difficult to find.