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Find people by name

Is it possible to find a person by name in a situation where you only know the name and do not know information such as phone number, age, or address?

We form various human relationships in our social life, and even if we form close relationships, we may neglect each other and not know each other’s news. Even if you suddenly find them again, it can be difficult to know how to find them.

Can you find people by name? impossible?

If you only know your name or past appearance and do not know your current occupation or address, it may or may not be possible to find a person by name.

If the other person is using SNS such as Facebook or Instagram, there is a possibility that you can find it by searching by name, although it may take some time.

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The more people with the same name, the longer it may take. However, it is not easy to identify the person you are looking for if the other person has kept their profile information or photos private.

You can, of course, ask by direct message (DM), but this is less efficient. However, if the other person is not using SNS, it is impossible to find a person by name in this way. 이름으로 사람찾기

If you have been separated from your family for various reasons or if you are looking for a family member, you can contact the civil service 24, the police station, or a private or public organization that finds the family. 좋은뉴스

The application service for finding separated family members provided on the Civil Service 24 website is a civil complaint service that uses the police computer network to find families who have been separated due to reasons such as the Korean War, overseas adoption, lost children, runaways, orphans, and overseas adoptions.

However, even if you are a family member, if you do not want to meet or contact the person, even if you apply to the police, you may not be able to know personal information such as where you live.

Even if you are very close, if you are not a family member, it is impossible to apply for a person search by name at a public institution such as the police station. However, if you file a complaint if you have suffered financial or physical harm, the police or prosecutors will investigate the other person’s actions.

Requesting someone to find someone through a Heungshin Center or an errand center may be subject to punishment. Activities such as location tracking and personal information leakage at Heungshinso are all illegal.

It can be judged that the commissioning is not illegal, but special attention is required as all of them are in violation of the current law. You should be especially careful not to make a mistake by seeing advertisements for commercials disguised as legitimate businesses.

What is a missing person declaration?

If the life or death of an absentee is unclear for 5 years, the court declares him/her missing at the request of an interested person or a public prosecutor.

The life or death of a person who went to war, a person on a sunken ship, a person on a crashed aircraft, or any other person in danger that could cause death, after the war ended, or the sinking of a ship, the crash of an aircraft, or other danger ends The same is true if it is not clear for a year after doing it.

A person who has been declared missing is deemed to have died when the period expires. The person obligated to report the declaration of disappearance is the person who has requested the declaration of disappearance.

A person obligated to report the declaration of disappearance must report the disappearance within one month from the final date of the trial for the declaration of disappearance.

A report on the declaration of disappearance can be made at the base of registration of the missing person or at the address or current place of the person reporting the disappearance.

However, in the case of Korean nationals residing or staying in a foreign country, they can also do so at the Overseas Korean Family Relations Registration Office.