성범죄 경력조회서 발급방법 How to issue a sex crime history report

The sex crime history check is a document submitted by prospective employees in accordance with the Act on Sexual Protection of Children and Adolescents, and allows you to check whether or not you have a history of sex crimes.성범죄 경력조회

성범죄 경력조회

There are various organizations that conduct sex offender background checks. According to the law, organizations that can request a sex crime background check include organizations related to children and youth, organizations related to the disabled, organizations related to the elderly, marriage agencies, public election-related organizations, agricultural cooperatives, alternative station-related organizations, organizations related to supporting activities for the disabled, and apartment complexes. Management office, etc.

Go to the criminal record report issuance system

Reasons for receiving a sex crime history check and response letter
Sexual offense history check consent form and how to fill it out
Issued by visiting the civil service office of the local police station
How to issue a criminal record report online through the issuance system
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Reasons for receiving a sex crime history check and response letter
The reason for submitting a sex crime history inquiry response is to prove whether or not you have a sex crime history when applying for a job with employment restrictions in accordance with the Act on Sexual Protection of Children and Adolescents.

A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment or treatment for a sex crime is subject to an employment restriction order prohibiting him/her from operating a child or youth-related institution, employment, or providing labor for a certain period of time.
Therefore, the agency where you are applying for employment can check whether or not you are subject to an employment restriction order through the sex crime history inquiry response form.
The sex crime history inquiry response form is an important document for the sexual protection of children and adolescents.
Sexual offense history check consent form and how to fill it out
How to write a consent form for sexual offense background check

You can use the form provided by the prospective employment agency or download it from the criminal record report issuance system.
In the consent form for sexual offense background check, please include your name, resident registration number, phone number, name and address of the institution you are planning to work for, reason for consent, etc., and affix your signature or seal.
After filling out the consent form for sex crime background check, submit it to the head of the facility (institution) of the institution where you are planning to work, and the head of the facility (institution) can issue a sex crime background check response form.
How to obtain one by visiting the civil service office of the local police station
How to obtain one by visiting the civil service office of the local police station

You can apply for a sex crime background check report by visiting your local police station in person.
When applying for a sex crime background check response, you must submit your ID and sex crime history check application form.
In the sex crime background check application form, please include your name, resident registration number, phone number, name and address of the institution you are planning to work for, reason for consent, etc., and affix your signature or seal.
A sex crime history inquiry response form can be issued on the same day as application, and there is no issuance fee.
How to issue a criminal record report online through the issuance system
How to issue a criminal record report online through the issuance system

A sex crime background check response form can be issued online via the Internet.
To receive a sex crime record check response form online, you must access and log in to the criminal record report issuance system.
When you log in, click the menu to apply for consent to issue issuance for prospective employees, and enter the facility (institution) ID and verification number provided by the facility (institution) head.
If you enter the facility (organization) ID and verification number and click Search, information about the organization you are planning to work for will appear. After confirmation, click Agree.
Select a newsletter type, enter application details, and apply. You can choose between direct printing and facility (institution) printing as the newsletter type.
Direct printing means that the applicant prints it out directly and submits it to the facility (institution), and facility (institution) printing means that the applicant checks the contents of the circular and prints it out at the facility (institution) after completing identity verification.
Detailed information about sexual offense history inquiry, consent form, and history response can be found in the criminal history report issuance system.