날씨 어플 추천 Weather app recommendation

I would like to introduce an application that allows you to easily check the current weather on your smartphone.
You can also receive real-time weather information from this app, which I use mainly.
It can be said that it is a highly useful application because you can see weather information all over the country at a glance.

The name of the app is ‘Energy Weather’ and you can simply download it for free from the Google Market.
You can try it, so if you need it, it would be good to use it ^^

So let’s see how to install and use it.

1. Install

날씨 어플 추천
First, let’s see how to install it.
After accessing the Android Market, search for the weather app in the search bar. 날씨 어플 추천
You can check it right at the top

Since it is located at the top, you can easily install it without looking for it. 좋은뉴스
Also, since the capacity is less than 3 megabytes, the installation proceeds quickly.

If you wait for a while until it is automatically installed, it will be completed automatically, so you can install it without any difficulties.

2. To use

After the installation is finished, if you run the application for the first time, a screen similar to the above screen will be created.
You must first set the area of ​​interest, that is, the area where you are currently located.

If you click the search for current location in the upper right corner, it will automatically find the location.
If the GPS reception sensitivity is weak, you can select the area name and enter it directly.

Current real-time weather information is displayed
Basically, you can see from today’s weather to tomorrow’s weather.
If you move to the second tab of the 4 tabs at the bottom of the weekly forecast window, you can check the weekly weather.

Finally, if you go to the national weather tab in the third
You can find weather information across the country at a glance.