화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

In order to take the freight forwarding license exam, which is popular these days, I will write down the relevant laws and regulations in the past questions that you need to know in descriptive form. For reference, I will also study together because I am taking the exam on September 8, 2022 by cramming.

화물운송자격증 시험 문제


Past questions for the freight transportation license exam (related laws)
For the previous question written today, I will write only the correct answers listed in the past question for my cramming, and it is recommended that you study separately for the correct answer you are seeking in reality or look through it once more directly through YouTube. 화물운송자격증 시험 문제


Which of the following is not a type of traffic safety sign is a landmark. 좋은뉴스 

At normal speeds over two lanes each way, the maximum speed is 80 km/h unless a speed limit sign is posted.

When driving at a speed reduced by 50/100 of the maximum speed, it is not suitable when the snow is less than 20mm.

On a two-lane or more one-way highway, the correct top speed is 80 km/h for a lorry with more than 1.5 tons of loaded weight.

48 km/h is the correct speed at which you must drive when the snow is less than 20 mm on a road with a speed limit of 60 km/h.

Which of the following statements about slowing down is correct?

Among the following, which does not apply to cases where slow travel is required, it is over a bridge on a three-lane one-way road.

Among the following explanations about the meaning of pause, the correct one is a traffic situation in which a vehicle must stop but must remain stopped for a certain amount of time.

Which of the following does not require you to pause is when going down a steep slope.

Among the following, the correct explanation of temporary stop is the momentary stop of operation as the meaning of the act itself in which the car must temporarily completely stop the wheels.

The correct explanation for how to avoid an emergency vehicle at or near an intersection is to avoid the intersection and stop at the right edge of the road.

Which of the following describes the period during which you can take the driver’s license test after your driver’s license was revoked for violation of the regulations prohibiting driving without a license or for other reasons, which is not correct? It is 4 years from the date the license was revoked.

Among the following, the description of the drunk driving prohibition regulation is incorrect: If you drive with a sign on your face after drinking soju, it is considered drunk driving.

Among the following, the reasons for reduction of administrative disposition standards for driver’s licenses are exemplary drivers who have been engaged in traffic volunteer activities for more than 3 years at the time of disposition.

Among the following, the correct blood alcohol level is 0.05% or higher as the blood alcohol level that is the standard for drunk driving in the 10 major negligence provisions of the Act on Special Cases for the Handling of Traffic Accidents.

Among the following, any of the 10 cases of gross negligence under the Act on Special Cases concerning the Handling of Traffic Accidents is a speeding violation of 20 km/h or less.

Among the traffic accidents in Korea, which of the following has the highest incidence in traffic accidents caused by gross negligence? Invasion of the center line.

Among the following, if you cannot be regarded as a pedestrian crossing the crosswalk, cross with a two-wheeled vehicle.

What does not belong to the purpose of enacting the Lorry Transportation Business Act is the pursuit of personal profit.

One of the following cases in which a cargo transport worker’s license is revoked is when the cargo transport worker’s license is lent to another person.

Among the following, if the cargo is not delivered within how many months after the deadline for delivery, the cargo is considered lost. It is 3 months.

Items that do not fall under the requirements of the cargo transportation business must be disassembled and maintained before operation to ensure safe operation.

Can the Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs order all or temporary suspension of the truck transport business, or order reduction of vehicles for a period of up to several months, when a truck transport business causes many casualties due to serious traffic accidents or frequent traffic accidents? 6 months.

Among the following, which of the following is valid for overhaul of commercial trucks is 1 year.

Among the following types of trucks according to Korean Industrial Standards, what is the name of a truck in which all or most of the prime mover is located under the driver’s cab? A cab over truck.

Among the types of trucks according to the Korean Industrial Standards, among the following, a small truck without a cargo compartment roof and an integral flat plate other than the steering wheel is called a pickup.


A semi-trailer is a trailer designed so that a portion of the total load is supported by the towing vehicle.

Among the following, English letters are not applicable to signal display means under the Road Traffic Act.

Which of the following best describes an unprotected left turn is that you may turn left without interfering with oncoming traffic on a green light.

Among the following, the appropriate meaning of a yellow light is that you must stop even if there is a stop line or you have already entered.

Among the following types of traffic safety signs are regulatory signs.

Which of the following is correct for a top speed on a one-way one-way road is 60 km/h.

Among the following, when the visibility is less than 100m due to heavy rain, heavy snow, fog, etc., the correct deceleration standard is to drive at a speed of 50/100.

Which of the following is correct for the maximum speed on expressways with two or more one-way lanes?

One of the following cases in which you must drive slowly is when entering an intersection where traffic control is not in place.

Slowing down is one of the following actions that can be performed within an intersection.

Among the following, the safe driving method when a dangerous situation such as the elderly or children crossing the road or sitting is correct is to stop temporarily.

Among the following vehicles, the first vehicle to pass is the fire truck that is dispatched to the scene of the fire.

Driving without a license is driving a small passenger car with one of the following Class 2 compact licenses.

If your driver’s license is revoked for exceeding penalty points among the following, the period during which you can take the driving test is one year.

Among the following, the correct penalty is 30 points for administrative punishment when you do not comply with a police officer’s request to present a driver’s license.

Among the following, the blood alcohol concentration that is the criterion for being intoxicated under the drunk driving ban is a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05%.

Among the following, the 10 items of gross negligence under the Act on Special Cases for Handling of Traffic Accidents are traffic signal violation accidents.

Among the following, speed violations of 20 km/h or less are those that do not fall under the 10 items of gross negligence under the Act on Special Cases concerning the Handling of Traffic Accidents.

Among the following, the description of the penalty point standard for administrative disposition in the event of a traffic accident is correct: 15 points for each serious injury.

As for the definition of freight forwarders, the correct ones are truck drivers, clerks and office assistants who handle affairs related to cargo transport or transportation arrangements, and other people engaged in the truck transport business.

Among the following cases, which cannot be regarded as a case in which the qualification for engaging in freight transportation is revoked is when the driver’s license to drive a truck is subject to 30 penalty points according to the administrative disposition standard.

Among the following, the permitting authority for truck transport franchise business is the Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs.

As an explanation of how to post a freight transport license, the correct one is the upper right corner of the front of the truck interior.

Among the following, the purpose of the Automobile Management Act is not to promote the automobile transportation business.

The inspection period for trucks is within a few days or 30 days before and after the expiry date, respectively.

Which of the following statements about the meaning of a red light signal is incorrect: A horse may turn right as long as it does not obstruct side traffic going straight according to the signal.

On a one-way four-lane expressway, the right lane for trucks over 1.5 tons is three lanes.

Which of the following is not the correct overtaking method is that you must pass on the right side of the vehicle in front when you want to overtake another vehicle.

Which of the following is the minimum speed on a motorway is 30 km/h.

There are several types of crossings and three types of crossings with traffic safety signs installed at railroad crossings.

Which of the following is not a traffic safety sign is a guidepost.

Among the following, the deceleration standard is explained. Right is 20/100 when it rains and the road surface is damp.

Among the following, emergency vehicles, non-emergency vehicles, and motorized bicycles are the correct priority at intersections without traffic signals.

Driving without a license among the following is driving a 12-seater van with a Class 2 normal driver’s license.

In case you need to slow down in one of the following cases: What is not right is when there are no pedestrians in the safe zone.

Which of the following is the correct description of a stop is a temporary development of a stop situation, meaning a traffic situation that must stop but must remain stopped for a certain amount of time.

Among the following reasons for mitigating driver’s license administrative disposition standards, the victim’s clear negligence is recognized.

Which of the following is a serious traffic accident under the Road Traffic Act?

Among the following, any violation of the speed limit of 20 km/h or less is not one of the 10 items excluded from the application of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Handling of Traffic Accidents.

Among the following, the blood alcohol concentration that is the criterion for a drunk driving violation is a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05% or more.

Among the following 10 violations of major laws under the Act on Special Cases for Handling Traffic Accidents, the correct speed limit is exceeding the speed limit of 20 km/h.

Among the following cases, when crossing a crosswalk, you can be protected as a pedestrian by pulling a motorcycle.

Among the following, the correct definition of a freight forwarder is a truck driver, a clerk who handles affairs related to freight transportation or transportation arrangements, and assistants who assist them.

The following is an explanation of the contents of the deduction project. What is not right is the deduction to compensate for the personal loss of those engaged in the mutual aid business.

a car in

Which cars are not subject to the Management Law? These are cars under the Military Supplies Management Law.

Among the following vehicle types, the correct total weight of small special vehicles applied from January 1, 2008 is 3 tons or less.

The correct gross weight of a small lorry is less than 3 tons.

When the Road Management Agency permits the operation of restricted vehicles, the condition that is not right is the running vehicle.

Vehicles with a gross weight of more than 20 tons are those that are not subject to driving restrictions under the Road Act among the following.


Among the following, vehicles exceeding 15m in length are not considered expressway restricted vehicles.

Among the following reasons that do not apply to the extension of the period of exhaust gas inspection of a vehicle in operation, the extension is requested due to the family circumstances of the vehicle owner.

Who has injured or injured a person due to negligence or gross negligence at work? Sub-Safe or? punished by a fine of less than Rs. which of the following? Which one is suitable for is punishable by imprisonment for up to 5 years or a fine of up to 20 million won.

Which of the following statements about yellow lights is correct is that vehicles and horses can turn right and do not obstruct pedestrians from crossing when turning right.

The purpose of the Clean Air Conservation Act is not to create a pleasant environment for drivers and to prevent harm.

According to the Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, what is not correct in the explanation of attaching vehicle registration plates is that even when temporary license plates are attached, they must be sealed.

In the case of a metropolitan mayor or a provincial governor in designating an automobile-only road, whose opinion should be heard is the head of the competent local police agency.

Among the following, if you apply for an overhaul after the vehicle overhaul period, it must be received from the day following the date of non-conformity, but within 5 days.

The size of the safety permit cloth is 30CM in width and 50CM in height.

Which of the following is not a motor vehicle is a moped bicycle.

What is the line marked by the safety mark at the boundary to distinguish the lane from the lane? Lane.

A sign that informs road users by supplementing the main function of a caution sign, regulatory sign, or instruction sign is an auxiliary sign.

On the three-lane one-way highway, the driving lane for trucks with a loading weight of more than 1.5 tons is three-lane.

The penalty for driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.06% is 100 points.

It is two years after how much time has elapsed after the license for cargo transportation was revoked before it can be acquired again.

The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, whose approval should be obtained for the contribution and share ratio of the mutual aid project.

It is an administrative disposition that is not entrusted by the Transportation Safety Authority.

The penalty points for driving on the shoulder of a highway are 30 points.

The part of a roadway that is divided by lanes so that vehicles and horses can travel in a single line on a defined part of the road is a lane.

The maximum speed and minimum speed on a general road with two or more one-way lanes are appropriately paired with a maximum of 80 km/h and no minimum limit.

The penalty for violating the parking ban in a child protection zone is 80,000 won among the following offenses and the amount of the offense is incorrect.

Penalties for non-compliance with pedestrian protection, including stop line violations, are 10 points.

Cargo trucks are not permitted to be transported for a fee unless they are in urgent need of supply of transportation capacity to temporarily replace cargo transport means such as commercial trucks and railroads.

Non-lorry types are special types.

An accident that is not a violation of the center line is an accident that hits a person after a rear-end collision while stopped at the stop line.

What is not an inspection of a car is a maintenance inspection.

The only way to prevent aquaplaning is to slightly lower the air pressure.

What happens to your freight transport license when your driver’s license is revoked?

What lorry transport operators are not required to comply with is the improvement of walking order.

The maximum and minimum speeds on motorways are 90 km/h and 30 km/h.

The business of transporting cargo using one lorry is an individual lorry transport business.

The Automobile Management Act refers to how many square meters or more the area of the loading box is 2 square meters in classifying cargo vehicles in its enforcement regulations.



Above, I wrote only the answers to the previous questions (related laws) of the Freight Transportation License Exam, but it seems that there are some parts that overlap with what I studied through YouTube, and some parts that are confusing because the questions are twisted. Still, I think you should take a look at all the related questions before taking the test, so if anyone is going to cram for the freight forwarding license test in the future, I hope it helps.


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