티맵 고객센터 전화번호 Information center that makes money if you know it > Register your accommodation in the navigation!

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Accommodation management information
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How to register my business on the navigation map

I would like to tell you how to register your accommodation on the navigation map!
Usually, we will register you for xx navigation through an advertising phone call, so please pay for it. Do you get a lot of calls?

That part is the advertising part, and today I’ll tell you how to register a business for free!

Shall we search for representative navigation companies first?
Mobile phone navigation is a carrier navigation
There are T-map, Olleh Navi, and U+ Navi.

General company navigation
There are I-Navi, Hyundai MnSoft (Genie, Mappy, Softman), and Atlan (Pine Drive).

I don’t know if there are other companies, but if you register only the above, it would be okay.

Normally, if you use KT’s wired number while registering as a business, the information is automatically transferred to several companies and registered.
It would be nice to take care of all the various companies on this opportunity!!

1. T-map (required!)
T-map also answers customer service calls right away.
I think it was the easiest place to register.
Just call customer service at 1600-5110 and ask an agent
All you need to do is tell us your business name, address, and phone number!

The update is said to take 1-2 weeks.

2. U+Navi

U+Navi is like T-map
1577-3729 Call the customer center here
Simply provide the agent with the company name, address, and phone number to complete the application.
However, U + Navi says that the update can take 2-3 months.
3. Olleh Navi

​Olleh Navi cannot be accepted over the phone.
You need to sign up for the olleh website and register as a company.

You can go here and fill out the inquiry form.
If you are not a member, there is a bit of a hassle to register as a member.

4. I-Navi (required when searching for a rental car!)

Inavi also does not accept phone calls.

You need to access the I-Navi website and register as a company.
log in here
Click the red button Register Editing Point to register.
Of course, there is the hassle of having to log in here as well.


5. Hyundai MnSOFT (Softman, Genie, Mappy)​ (Required when searching for a rental car!)

No over-the-air reception here either.
You must register as a company by accessing the Hyundai MNSOFT website.
You can go to the above path and register for a general store or franchise.
Of course, there is the hassle of having to log in here as well.

6. ATLAN (Pine Drive) (Required when searching for a rental car!)

In the case of Atlan, reception by phone is not accepted.
You can go to the Atlan homepage and request a map revision.
For those who use KakaoTalk, it’s simpler
There is a way to use it without registering as a member.

looking at customer service

There is a kakaotalk consultation, but I added Atlan as a kakaotalk friend
If you talk about business registration on KakaoTalk, you will be accepted right away.
KakaoTalk replies are quick and kind, and I like it.

Navigation has become popular, but it seems that most of them do not register as a business in navigation!

Be sure to register with your name at this opportunity.

Wouldn’t it be nice if customers could find it by business name rather than address?

Did you read the Frequently Asked Questions before signing up?
Go to frequently asked questions

Congratulations on registering as a property manager
Download the document to organize accommodation information and send it by e-mail

It is a common ID used by many unspecified people.
Room settings change frequently and are unstable.
By actually signing up
We recommend that you try the 30-day trial.

티맵 고객센터 전화번호
