첫만남이용권 A simple summary of how to apply for a first meeting voucher and where to use it

첫만남이용권Please find out more about the first meeting voucher through the information below.

First meeting ticket

The First Meeting Voucher is a project supported by the government, and each born child can receive a voucher worth 2 million won.
(*2 million won per child born regardless of birth order or multiple births.)

Those eligible for the First Meeting Pass are all children born after January 1, 2022, who have registered their birth and have been properly assigned a resident registration number.

To apply for a first meeting voucher, you can visit the administrative welfare center of your town, village, or dong in person or apply online (Bokjiro website, Government 24 website).





In principle, the first meeting voucher payment method is National Happiness Card voucher (points), and in unavoidable cases, you can receive cash support as an exception.

※ Cases where payment can be made in cash
ⓛ In cases where a beneficiary child is being protected in a child care facility under Article 52, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 of the ‘Child Welfare Act’ or a group living home under Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 4, children whose births have been registered at the local government (or facility) are subject to ‘Didim’. Cash payment is possible through ‘Seed Account’.
* In the case of children under foster care, the National Happiness Card of the foster parent (or prospective adoptive parent) who is the guardian from the city, county, or district where the foster home is located
We will provide you with a first meeting voucher. (If you wish to receive it through a ‘Didim Seed Account’ in the child’s name, you can also receive cash deposit into that account)
② If the guardian of a born child is a prisoner, and if the child is raised in a prison facility and applies during the period of incarceration, cash can be deposited into an account in the name of the guardian after deliberation by the Child Welfare Deliberation Committee.

If you look at the industries where first meeting vouchers can be used, vouchers can be used in most industries except for some industries. For more information about the industries that can be used and excluded from use, please refer to the ‘First Meeting Voucher Support Project’ page under the ‘Introduction by Project’ tab on the ‘Korea Social Information Service’ website under the Ministry of Health and Welfare below.

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