중소기업 청년 전세대출 If you are a young person from a small business, pay attention. Is there an ultra-low interest rate jeonse loan?

중소기업 청년 전세대출C.S.Lewis

The government supports various policies to ensure housing stability for young people working in small and medium-sized businesses. If you utilize these policy products well, you can significantly save on financial costs. Let me tell you about the ‘Small and Medium Business Youth Jeonse Loan’ system, which can be considered a representative one!

‘Small and medium-sized business youth jeonse loan’ refers to a system that provides a loan for jeonse and monthly rent deposits at an ultra-low interest rate of 1.2% per year to young people working at small and medium-sized businesses. The loan limit is up to 100 million won, the loan period is initially 2 years, and can be extended up to 4 times in total, up to 10 years.

☝POINT! Are there any conditions for housing that can be loaned?
Because the deposit standard is low, there are some restrictions on lending. In the case of houses and residential officetels with a rental area of ​​85 m2 or less, this includes 85 m2 or less, and the rental deposit must be 200 million won or less to apply.

Additionally, you can apply for a loan at any time. You can apply within 3 months from the date of payment of the balance in the rental agreement or the date of moving in, whichever comes first. In the case of contract renewal, you can apply within 3 months from the contract renewal date, and in case of a conversion contract from monthly rent to jeonse, you can apply within 3 months from the conversion date, so check the schedule carefully and apply!

To receive a loan, you must be between the ages of 19 and 34 and employed at a small or medium-sized business or a young entrepreneur. Additionally, as a non-homeowner or prospective householder, you must sign a housing lease contract and pay at least 5% of the rental deposit.

However, if you have fulfilled your military service obligation, the qualification period can be extended in proportion to the period of service, up to a maximum of 39 years of age.
A. You can use it only once in your life.
A. After changing jobs, if your salary increases and you no longer meet the income requirements, you must change your loan. Instead of the existing 1.2% interest rate, the interest rate of 1.8 to 2.4% of the ‘Butimmok Jeonse Fund Loan’ will be applied.
A. Even if you quit your job, you can live in the house until maturity. However, it is difficult to use the same loan when extending it.

You can apply online or by visiting the bank. You can apply online at the ‘Fund eDeunden’ website, and if you want to visit a bank, you can apply at the fund’s custodian bank (Woori, Kookmin, Hana, Nonghyup, Shinhan, Daegu, Busan Bank). In the case of banks, it may vary depending on the situation, so it is essential to check before visiting!

The documents required to apply for a small and medium-sized youth jeonse loan are a resident registration card to verify identity, a copy of resident registration to verify eligibility, a certificate of gain or loss of health insurance qualification to verify employment and business operation, and a certificate of income amount to verify income and a rental contract with a fixed date related to housing. A copy of the current company’s business registration certificate is required to verify employment at a small or medium-sized business. Required documents vary from person to person, and additional documents may be required, so it is best to contact the Korea Housing and Urban Guarantee Corporation call center at ☎1566-9009 to make sure you prepare!

If you work at a small business! Wouldn’t it be much more advantageous to use the ‘Small and Medium Business Youth Jeonse Loan’, which allows for a stable housing life and less interest burden? Please carefully check the conditions and required documents and use a safe loan.
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중소기업 청년 전세대출
