주거복지사 시험 I will find out the residential welfare worker certification test subject, test schedule, and prospects for passing rates at educational institutions.

주거복지사 시험What is a residential welfare worker?

A residential welfare worker is a person who has obtained a qualification after completing a prescribed education course and passing a qualification examination, and is a professional worker who supports housing services from a welfare level for the housing stability of households who have difficulty solving housing problems on their own. It refers to personnel who have a high degree of expertise in the field and act as a coordinator of the housing service delivery system through practical experience that can be applied in the field.

Duties of the residential inspector

– Investigation and analysis of housing welfare conditions in the region
– Discovery of housing welfare recipients
– Providing home improvement support service
– House condition inspection
– Residential life counseling and residential grievance counseling
– Residential welfare program counseling, information collection and business management
– Housing movement support between public rental housing
– Support for search for affordable rental housing and private housing
– Housing life support for the underprivileged
– Establishment of housing welfare network between public and private sectors
– Community vitalization program planning and management
– U.S. education and PR related to housing welfare
– Management of public and private rental housing
– Housing welfare project planning proposal and execution management

Residential welfare worker qualification information

– Qualification: Housing Welfare Worker
– Type of Qualification: Certified Private Certificate
– Authorized number: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport No. 2018-1
– Issued by: Korean Housing Society
– Number of tests: once a year
– Application fee: 50,000 won

Qualifications for Residential Welfare Officer

A person who satisfies one of the above items and has completed the prerequisite courses.

– Those who have been in the field of work for more than 4 years regardless of academic background
– 3-year community college graduates, etc., those who have been engaged in practical work for at least 1 year (at least 2 years for 2-year programs) in the relevant job field
– 4-year university graduates or those who are expected to graduate

Residential Welfare Specialist Exam Courses

* Housing manager qualification holders can be recognized as substitutes for only two subjects of housing management administration and housing maintenance management technology, and only two subjects of alternative recognition theory.
* Social worker qualifications and social welfare majors can be recognized as substitutes for only two courses: Social Welfare Administration and Law, Introduction to Social Welfare and Theory of Practice.
* Nursing care worker qualification holders can be recognized as substitutes only for the subject of care for the vulnerable.

– Pass if you get 40 points or more for each subject out of 100 points and an average of 60 points or more for each subject
*Education fees for pre-requisite courses (10 courses)
Required and elective courses: Check each institution’s website
– Distance Education Center for Residential Welfare Workers
– Housing Welfare Academy
You must receive education and completion at these two places (Naeil Learning Card is available)

※ The housing welfare worker exam is held once a year, and applications usually start in October and take the exam in December. Last year, it was a test on December 21 during the application period from October 21 to November 8. The exact schedule can be confirmed at the Korean Housing Society.
Residential welfare worker pass rate and field of activity

* Areas of activity of residential welfare workers
– National and local government housing welfare departments
– Public and Private Housing Welfare Support Center
– Public rental management company
– Private rental management company
– Local housing welfare related institutions
– Public and private companies that engage in social contribution activities
– NGOs related to housing welfare, social enterprises, etc.

Residential welfare worker outlook

According to Article 24 of the Framework Act on Housing, 1. The state and local governments must strive to train housing welfare professionals. 2. The state and local governments may support education to nurture housing welfare professionals. 3. The State, local governments, and public institutions may preferentially recruit and place housing welfare professionals in order to efficiently perform housing welfare tasks prescribed by Presidential Decree.

As the social structure changes in an aging society, the need for residential welfare workers will increase. In addition, as the permanent rental housing, national rental housing, and happy housing are integrated into one, the conditions for housing are eased and the number of housing workers is expected to increase.

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