장애인스포츠 바우처 Welfare Bank > Welfare information by life cycle – Acceptance of applications for ‘2024 Sports Class Voucher for the Disabled’ and support of 110,000 won per month

장애인스포츠 바우처welfare information
Application accepted for ‘2024 Disabled Sports Course Pass’ and monthly support of 110,000 won

Application accepted for ‘2024 Disabled Sports Course Pass’ and monthly support of 110,000 won

Hello, this is Welfare Bank Supporters.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Minister Yoo In-chon, hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism)
The news is that applications for the ‘2024 Sports Class Pass for the Disabled’ will be accepted until the 30th.

■Support target: Disabled persons aged 5 to 69 (years of birth from 1955 to 2019)
■ How to apply: (1) Apply for sports course vouchers for the disabled on the website (https://dvoucher.kspo.or.kr)
(2) Apply by visiting the city, county, district office or community center that has jurisdiction over the applicant’s resident registration.
■Application period: Until November 30th
■Selection results: We plan to inform you of the selection results individually from December 1st to 7th.

*Detailed information: Check the sports course voucher website and counseling center (02-410-1298~9)
*Selection criteria: Each local government determines the applicant’s qualifications, accumulated period of use of vouchers, etc.
*Even after the selection period, additional applications may be received and selected depending on the recruitment status of each local government.

< Source: https://www.ablenews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=208566 >


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