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자동차세 환급Dong Community Service Center (in order of ㄱㄴㅇ)
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In the case of the death of the right holder of the automobile tax refund, heirs can receive it.
1. In the case of inheritance transfer registration in the motor vehicle registration register
Refunds are paid to those who have been registered for transfer of inheritance.
In this case, the right holder of the refund is changed to the heir, and a refund notice in the name of the heir is sent.
After receiving the refund notice, if you apply for a bank account in your name to receive a refund by phone, fax or mail, the payment will be transferred to that account.
In addition, if you visit any Shinhan Bank branch in Seoul with your refund notice and ID card, you can receive it in person, or you can apply directly on the Internet (http://etax.seoul.go.kr).
2. In case the transfer of inheritance is not registered (in case of scrapping or death after transfer registration)
Proportionate local tax refunds are appropriated or refunded to each heir according to the portion of inheritance under the Civil Act.
Even in this case, with the consent of the other heirs, the entire payment can be made to the main heir pursuant to Article 53 of the Enforcement Rules of the Local Tax Act.
The principal heir is the person with the highest share of inheritance under civil law, and if there are two or more people, the person with the highest share becomes the eldest.
3. Documents to be submitted in case the main heir is refunded
ㅇ Refund Notice in the name of the deceased person (dead person)
ㅇ Agreement on division of local tax refund (there is no specific form. Refer to the attached form)
ㅇ Copies of IDs of all co-heirs
For further consultation, please call the Tax Division 2 at 02)3425-5570.
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Department in charge: Welfare Policy Division Welfare Planning Team
Inquiries: 02-3425-5630
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자동차세 환급

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