일용직 실업급여 신청방법 및 조건 How to apply for daily worker unemployment benefits and conditions

Are you curious about whether daily workers at construction sites can apply for unemployment benefits and receive payments if they are unable to work? yes it’s possible. Now, let’s find out what the application conditions are, how to apply, and how to apply.

일용직 실업급여

일용직 실업급여




The conditions for applying for unemployment benefits are slightly different for general office workers and daily workers. Today, we will compare and summarize the differences in the case of daily workers.



What is unemployment benefit?

Unemployment benefits are a system that is paid to workers who subscribe to employment insurance when they lose their jobs to support their livelihood during the period until they are re-employed. It consists of job-seeking benefits and employment promotion allowances, and is generally referred to as unemployment benefits. This refers to job-seeking benefits.






Requirements for receiving unemployment benefits for daily workers

In order for a daily worker to lose his job and receive unemployment benefits, the following conditions are required.


1. A history of working under employment insurance for more than 180 days in the 18 months prior to the date of resignation is required.
– To be eligible to apply for unemployment benefits, the actual number of days worked must be more than 180 days.


2. You can apply for unemployment benefits if you have worked less than 10 days in the month prior to the application date, and if you are a construction day worker and have had more than 14 days off recently.
– To apply for unemployment benefits, you must have worked less than 10 days in the month prior to the application date.

– You can apply for unemployment benefits even if you have not worked for 14 consecutive days before the application date (limited to daily workers at construction sites).


3. No more than one year has passed since the date of resignation.
– You cannot apply for unemployment benefits more than one year after the date of resignation, so please apply immediately after losing your job.


4. Involuntary resignation
– It must be recognized that the reason for retirement is involuntary, but there are many legitimate reasons for changing jobs, so it is possible to apply as long as it is acknowledged that it is an unavoidable situation in which a daily worker cannot work, so it can be considered acceptable in most cases.


5. Active re-employment activities
– To receive unemployment benefits, you must report at least two attempts at finding a new job and be recognized as unemployed. You can apply with minimal effort by submitting a resume to other positions.



Unemployment benefit payment period and amount for daily workers

Depending on your age at the time of retirement and the period of employment insurance coverage during your working period, you can receive 60% of your average daily wage before retirement for as short as 120 days or as long as 270 days. You cannot receive job-seeking benefits on those days, and you can only receive unemployment benefits on days when you do not work.


If you are re-employed or start a business during the payment period, you may be able to receive a portion of the remaining amount as an early re-employment allowance.


1. Unemployment benefit payment period for daily workers
Please refer to the table below for the number of days unemployment benefits are paid according to age and subscription period.


Unemployment allowance payment date table according to the age of daily workers and the number of days of employment insurance subscription (Source: Employment Insurance website)

2. Unemployment allowance payment amount

In order to calculate the amount of unemployment benefits, you must first calculate the average daily wage before unemployment. The average daily wage of a daily worker is calculated as follows.


Average daily wage for daily workers = Total wages for the 3 months excluding the most recent 1 month out of the 4 months prior to the date of retirement ÷ Total number of days in the 3 months excluding the most recent month out of the 4 months prior to the date of retirement


Once you have calculated the average wage, you can receive 60% of the average wage within the range of a maximum of 66,000 won to a minimum of 61,568 won per day.


A mock calculation of unemployment benefits for daily workers can be made at the site below, so please try the calculation.


Mock calculation of unemployment benefit payment ==> https://www.ei.go.kr/ei/eih/eg/pb/pbPersonBnef/retrievePb210Info.do


When making a mock calculation on the site above, you must enter the employment insurance subscription period among the items to be entered. To check the employment insurance subscription period, refer to the article below and obtain the employment insurance daily work statement, check it, and enter it.


Print employment insurance daily work statement (check employment insurance subscription period)

Hello, construction daily workers! You all know the news that the Construction Workers’ Mutual Aid Association’s retirement allowance, which is our retirement allowance, has recently been increased to 6,500 won per day, right? For those of you who didn’t know, the post below is



How to apply for unemployment benefits for daily workers

When a daily worker applies for unemployment benefits, if the above requirements for receiving unemployment benefits are met, immediately visit the employment center in the jurisdiction of your residence with your resident registration card or driver’s license and report unemployment (apply for recognition of eligibility for receiving benefits).


What to do before visiting the employment center
1. Access Worknet (https://www.work.go.kr), register as a member, log in, and proceed with registering your resume and job search.

– A job search verification number starting with K must be provided.


2. Receive online training for eligible applicants (direct link)

– You must visit the employment center within 14 days after completing training with your ID.



Procedure for payment of unemployment benefits to daily workers

When you report unemployment and apply for recognition of benefit eligibility as above, the first unemployment recognition date is designated two weeks later, and you can visit the employment center on that date to receive training or receive training through the employment insurance website or mobile phone and then send the unemployment recognition application. If you do this, the first batch of unemployment benefits will be deposited a few days later.


A few days later, the employment hope card will arrive by registered mail. The next unemployment recognition date is written on the employment hope card. If you visit the employment center on that date and receive unemployment recognition, you can receive unemployment benefits for the remaining period.