이미지 파일 용량 줄이기 방법Hello, this is the Koye Couple. Have you ever been embarrassed by the large size of your photos when uploading your photos to the web or submitting your portfolio or resume? In this case, there is a way to reduce the size of a photo very easily by using basic Windows programs.
When college students or office workers send their resumes, there must be some people who send them as large attachments. This is usually because the photo size is too large.
HR managers who have to read numerous resumes cannot welcome large files. Let’s try to reduce the size of a simple photo.
The size of the original photo is 9.61 MB. We’ll show you two ways to reduce the size of your photos in a way that’s comfortable for you.
First, right-click on the photo file you want to reduce -> Open with -> Enter Paint.
Resize in Paint -> Decrease the percentage aspect ratio. -> Please keep the aspect ratio.
Then you can see that the size has been reduced like this. Once you’ve reduced the size, save the photo now.
The size, which was approaching 10 megabytes, has dropped to 113 kilobytes. It cuts down on capacity tremendously. Now, even if you put it in a document, you won’t have to worry about the document size.
I usually use paint, but you can easily resize it with the snipping tool. Please run the snipping tool.
Double-click the original photo, then click New in Snipping Tools.
Specify the size you want, then take a capture. Then click the Save button to save and you’re done!
The size has been significantly reduced from 9.61 megabytes to 765 kilobytes. How easy is it?
If you do not want to install a program and want to quickly reduce the size of photos, please use it actively.
Koye couple IT blog.
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