음주운전 면허취소 구제 The driver’s license was revoked due to drunk driving, but relief was filed by administrative judgment (Incheon, Gyeonggi, Incheon Administrative Office, Gyeonggi Administrative Office, Pyeongtaek Drunk Driver’s License Cancellation Relief, Incheon Administrative Judge, Gyeonggi Administrative Judge) Incheon, Gyeonggi, Bucheon, Ilsan, Gimpo, Seoul: Successful Relief Cases

음주운전 면허취소 구제After obtaining a Type 1 regular driver’s license, a Type 2 ordinary driver’s license, and a Type 2 atomic driver’s license from the Commissioner of the Chungnam Provincial Police Agency, the applicant drunk and drove to go to a store, then received three types of driver’s license from the Commissioner of the Gyeonggi Southern Provincial Police Agency. All have been cancelled, but we applied for a consultation request for administrative judgment at the “Korea Administrative Office” in Incheon to proceed with the administrative judgment, and the Administrative Judgment Committee “partially cited” relief for the drunk driving case. 1. Case number: 2020-20664 , Receipt number: 2020-39835   * Announcement of ruling: December 23, 2020 (trial date: December 22)2. Applicant: Gong** (Southern Gyeonggi Province)3. Respondent: Commissioner of the Southern Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency 4. Driving experience: nearly 14 years5. Types of driver’s licenses: Class 2 regular, Class 2 atomic, Class 1 regular driver’s licenses (3 types of driver’s licenses were revoked due to drunk driving, but were relieved by “partial quotation”)* Remarks: 3 violations of laws, 1 unlicensed license power. 6. At the time of the incident, the claimant had to finish work late, eat with his family at a food restaurant in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do, drink soju as an accompaniment, walk home, sleep for a long time, wake up at dawn, go to the place where he runs his own business, and cook. I was worried about where I was parked at the time, so I just parked my car and drove about 600m thinking that I had to go to the store. It was applied to the DUI test, and it seemed that the number came out a lot, so they said there was a way to take a blood sample. The law of Article was applied, and the driver’s license for the claimant was revoked for 1 year in this case. A license relief administrative judgment was filed and the hearing was decided on December 22, 2020 (adjudication announced on December 23). All three driver’s licenses that had been lost were revived, all driving records were restored, and the driver’s license that had been revoked for drunk driving was rescued without the need to take a driver’s license test.
7. Filing for Administrative Judgment: The claimant’s good driving experience, our office’s long-standing know-how, the drinking level is drunk, but the inevitability was actively appealed, the family situation was difficult, there were no accidents or damages in this case, and road traffic laws Actively appealed many factors, such as various circumstances in the enforcement regulations and the necessity of a driver’s license for work. 8. Result: The claimant was canceled for drunk driving and was relieved from cancellation to suspension for 110 days through our office. (Partially quoted, suspended for 110 days from cancellation) Congratulations on the fact that the result of the administrative judgment was “a winning (partially quoted) judgment” and your driver’s license was restored. • If you receive a written decision, take the written decision, photo ID, and resident registration card to the nearest driver’s license test center and receive a driver’s license. You can drive after 110 days from the date the temporary driver’s license expires. • Once again, I sincerely congratulate you for being saved from this administrative judgment, and I wish you always drive safely and prosper in everything you do. • Our office is an office that legally provides relief through administrative judgment to those who have had their driver’s license revoked pursuant to the Enforcement Rules of the Road Traffic Act. Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Daejeon, Jeonbuk, Jeonnam, Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam, Daegu, Busan, Jeju, Gyeonggi Gimpo, Siheung, Ilsan, Uijeongbu, Ansan, etc.) . • After checking the possibility of relief, don’t miss the opportunity given to you and request an administrative judgment… Your driver’s license can be remedied depending on the case.
• thank you.
* Free consultation call: 010-7657-7999

After moving to an apartment by surrogate driving in Incheon, the surrogate driving was told to go to the underground parking lot, and then was caught for moving parking and drunk driving (0.109%), but escaped the driver’s license revocation.

Administrative judgment for remedies for revocation of drinking license (Gyeonggi drunk driving relief case) Administrative judgment at Incheon Administrative Office / Gyeonggi, Incheon, Bucheon, Gimpo, Siheung, Ilsan, Uijeongbu

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음주운전 면허취소 구제
