운송장번호 모를때 Search by mobile phone number when you do not know the waybill number

If you want to know the current delivery location and estimated time of arrival after sending out a parcel, you can use the parcel tracking service. In general, courier inquiries can be checked by entering the waybill number, and the waybill number can be found on the delivery receipt. If you do not know your waybill number, you can search the mobile phone number you wrote at the time of delivery. 운송장번호 모를때

운송장번호 모를때

Shipping Information Integrated Search Service 비지니스헬퍼
A list of courier companies that can be searched by mobile phone number when the waybill number is unknown

[CJ Logistics, Lotte Courier, Hanjin Courier, Dream Courier, Rosen Courier, KGB Courier, Post Office Courier, PostBox, Ilyang Logis, EMS Post Office International Delivery, Daishin Courier, Pro-Japanese Courier]


You can use the LOGIi shipping information integrated search service on your computer, and you can download and use the Courier Finder LOGIi application on your smartphone. If you have used an affiliate courier on the list, you can inquire about the courier with your mobile phone number. If you have used a courier company other than the list, please visit the courier company’s website or contact the customer center.




1. Search for courier with mobile phone number on computer

2. Inquiry of courier with cell phone number on smartphone


Search for couriers by mobile phone number on a computer

1. Go to the LOGIi site on your computer.

2. Register as a member.


You must log in to use Rogii’s shipping information mobile phone number inquiry service.


3. Log in.

4. Select your phone number and my courier in the search tab at the top.

5. Enter the cell phone number you wrote when sending the courier.

6. Delivery tracking completed.


If you have used a courier that does not support inquiries or a non-affiliated courier company among Rogii’s affiliated courier companies, you can directly go to the website of the courier company you are using and use the cell phone number inquiry.

Most of the courier websites operate inquiry services by phone number. If you cannot find a cell phone search service other than the waybill number, please contact the customer center of the courier company you are using.


Search for couriers with mobile phone number on your smartphone

In the smartphone Courier Finder application, you can check both the delivery status and detailed delivery information of affiliated couriers by looking up the subscribed mobile phone number used when you do not know the waybill number.

Courier Finder Notification Service
1. Download the courier finder application provided by Logi.


① Download Courier Finder from Google Play Store

② Download Apple App Store Courier Finder




2. Enter logi member authentication information.

3. Enter your mobile phone number and perform SMS verification.




4. Check the messages from affiliated couriers sent by you in the notification room.

5. From the delivery information message, enter the delivery inquiry details view.

6. Check the delivery status of the current courier.