우리은행 중고차대출 Woori Bank New and Used Car Loans Woori Dream Car Loan Limit and Interest Rate

우리은행 중고차대출Contents
Woori Bank Woori Dream Car Loan is a product that provides funds for purchasing a new or used car. It can be used conveniently through internet banking without visiting a branch office.
It can be used for both new and used cars, and there are differences in limits and periods of use depending on the type.
When applying for a car loan, the period of employment will be automatically checked in advance through the National Pension Service website. If the period of employment cannot be confirmed through the National Pension Service search, you can visit a branch office for consultation or there may be restrictions on handling.
Since documents related to handling must be sent to the branch office by fax, you must be able to use fax.
Before execution, handling is restricted if you have 3 or more cash services or 3 million won or more, card loans of 3 million won or more, or 3 or more credit loans from non-bank financial institutions.
Commercial vehicles are excluded, and in the case of used cars, only vehicles within 15 years of the first vehicle registration date of the vehicle in question can be used. When you apply, the branch will contact you and you must fax the documents on the list to the requested branch. In some cases, additional documents may be requested for handling.
The maximum usage limit is the sales price of the vehicle you purchased. In addition, it is applied within the Seoul Guarantee Insurance guarantee limit calculated based on your credit rating and debt situation within the vehicle price.
For those under 25 years of age, it is applied within 80% of the vehicle sales price.
The registration tax, public bond purchase, acquisition tax, automobile tax, insurance premium, etc. specified in the contract cannot be included.
The principal is divided equally by the number of months of the usage period, and the remaining principal is added to the amount calculated and repaid monthly.
The principal plus interest is added to the amount calculated and repaid monthly.
The amount calculated by dividing the principal and the interest into equal amounts by the number of months of the usage period is repaid monthly.
A grace period in which only interest is paid during the usage period is not allowed. The applicable interest rate may change depending on the market, your credit rating, contract period, and handling amount.
Some items of preferential interest rates are recalculated and applied every month depending on whether the conditions are met.
Application hours are 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, but the execution hours are from 09:00 to 18:00 on business days.
If you make a contract after 5:00 PM on a weekday or on the weekend, a phone call to verify your identity will be made on the next business day.
If you use a card, only Woori Card’s credit or check cards can be used, and you must be using Woori Bank as your payment account.
Credit cards are only applicable to new car purchases, and card payment methods for used cars cannot be used, and only remittance from the sales company is possible.
According to the Stamp Duty Act, the bank and debtor each bear 50% of the tax paid when signing the contract.
The early repayment cancellation fee is incurred when repaying within 3 years from the handling date. If 3 years or more have passed from the handling date or the maturity date is within 3 months, the early repayment fee is waived. Early repayment cancellation fee rate: Fixed rate 0.7% / Variable rate 0.6%
If the grace period exceeds 3 years, the 3rd year is the expiration date.
The bank will bear the guarantee fee for issuing the Seoul Guarantee Insurance (Co., Ltd.) guarantee certificate. If you cancel the vehicle purchase, you must repay it immediately.
If you have a previous history of handling automobile loans, handling will be restricted by checking the vehicle identification number.
You must submit a certificate of automobile registration registered in your name within 2 weeks after the automobile loan is executed.
Overlapping handling of Woori Dream Car automobile loan products and capital installment loans, card loans, etc. for vehicle purchase is not allowed.
Woori Bank Customer Center: 1588-5000
KB Kookmin Card Credit Loan is a product for individuals who do not have a Kookmin credit card, and it is a product that can be used by housewives or the unemployed who have difficulty proving their income due to unstable income. If you already have a Kookmin Credit Card, you cannot use this menu and must use a long-term card loan product.
KB Kookmin Card Credit Loan Available to housewives and unemployed people who do not have a Kookmin Card
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