우리은행 영업시간 및 ATM찾기 Woori Bank business hours and ATM finder

Woori Bank business hours and shortened business hours


우리은행 영업시간

우리은행 영업시간

As the number of people using online banking using smartphones or the Internet increases, the number of people visiting the bank in person is decreasing. So, many people may have forgotten the bank’s business hours that they were familiar with. Reflecting the reality that the number of people visiting bank branches is decreasing, banks are also making changes such as reducing face-to-face counters and adjusting business hours, making it even more difficult to remember business hours.




Still, I looked into the business hours for older people or those who need to visit the bank in person to get a loan. Today, we will summarize the business hours of Woori Bank among various banks. If you use Woori Bank as your main bank, please refer to the business hours.



As mentioned earlier, the number of people visiting banks is decreasing these days. Since most banking transactions can be done over the Internet and many transactions can also be done at ATMs in front of banks, not many people are willing to wait to do business with a bank teller. Because it is necessary to submit documents and receive consultation for loans, etc., and because people who have difficulty using the methods mentioned above use them, when you actually visit the bank, you can see that it is quiet.




Before the Internet became popular for doing business, banks were always crowded with people. So, many people think that waiting times will decrease as banks become busier, but as the number of customers using banks has decreased, banks have also reduced the number of face-to-face employees to reduce labor costs, so waiting times have not improved significantly compared to the past. For that reason and convenience, most people in the younger generation will use mobile or internet banking.




As a result, there may be many people who are unsure of the bank’s business hours. In the case of Woori Bank, business hours for all branches nationwide are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Business hours may vary for special branches, but it is best to check with the branch you plan to visit for accurate information.




And due to the current global pandemic, Woori Bank’s business hours have been shortened. It is said that shortened business hours will be maintained until further notice, so it would be a good idea to take note of this.



Woori Bank’s shortened business hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Those using Woori Bank should keep this in mind as the opening and closing times have each been shortened by 30 minutes.




In fact, if you are working and have to visit the bank in person, it is difficult to use it unless you take leave such as annual or half leave or go out for a while. Although most work can be done using the Internet, there is still the inconvenience of having to visit in person only for certain tasks. However, as the global trend is shifting to non-face-to-face work, I feel that the day when most offline work, including banking, will change to online work is not far off.




So far, we have learned about Woori Bank’s business hours. Please note the shortened business hours and keep in mind the original business hours as they may change to normal business hours.