요양원 입소자격 Qualification for admission to a nursing home for the elderly Nursing care level

요양원 입소자격C.S.Lewis

Qualification for admission to a nursing home for the elderly Nursing care level

You must be eligible to enter a nursing home facility to use it. Let’s find out the qualifications for admission to a senior nursing home.

In general, admission to a nursing home is more difficult than entering a nursing hospital. Because the government provides a lot of cost assistance, you can only enroll if you meet the qualifications. However, just because the government subsidizes a significant portion of the cost, it does not mean that only the economically disadvantaged benefit from admission to a nursing home. The purpose is that the government will support care at a low cost if it is difficult to take care of yourself physically or mentally, regardless of economic status.

Nursing home admission qualifications and grades
In order to enter a nursing home, you must receive a grade 1 or 2 corresponding to the facility grade among the long-term care grades. Among the elderly who visit nursing homes, there are many who have long-term care grades 3 to 5 rather than grades 1 or 2. It is difficult for those in grades 3 to 5 to enter a nursing home unless a special reason is submitted and the facility grade is changed. In order to receive a long-term care rating, you must apply for a nursing care rating recognition review from the National Health Insurance Service.

What are the criteria for grading nursing homes?
The grade is determined based on the long-term care recognition score, which is an indicator of ‘how much help is needed in daily life according to the state of mental and physical functioning’ rather than subjective concepts such as ‘health is very poor’ or ‘living alone is difficult’.

Among grades 1 to 5, the worse the physical and mental function is, the closer it is to grade 1, and the better it is, the closer it is to grade 4. Grade 5 is not a lower level grade than grade 4, but is a grade given when a person is somewhat healthy but suffers from dementia. Levels 1 and 2 are only given when it becomes almost impossible to live alone at home. It can be seen as a condition that goes beyond the inability to go to the bathroom or prepare meals on one’s own and to the inability to get out of bed.

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