와인 보관법, 먹다 남은 와인 보관 방법 How to store wine, how to store leftover wine

wine storage

와인 보관법
Wine needs to be stored properly

It stays good. Learn how to store wine.

wine storage

Wine is very sensitive and sensitive. Storing a wine bottle at a high temperature for a long time can affect the condition of the wine or cause the wine to boil (or ‘cook’). So, how does wine change with temperature?

Is this the right storage temperature?

와인 보관법

First of all, there are many factors involved in the deterioration of wine, and the exact temperature at which wine deteriorates is not known. However, the most optimal temperature for storing wine is 12-14˚ C.

If you leave it in a living room at around 23˚ C for a week, it is unlikely to change very much, but if you store it in a warm temperature, there is a possibility that the aging speed will be accelerated. Still, if stored for a long time in a hot place, the value of the wine will be damaged along with the quality deterioration, right?

If the temperature of the wine itself exceeds 21 degrees, it can be said that the wine enters the danger zone.

The wine will be irreparably damaged.

Wine is alive because it breathes and changes every day in the bottle. If it has been stored at 24˚ C or higher for more than a few days, you need to be careful, and if it has been stored at 26˚C or higher, the quality of the wine will deteriorate every hour as time goes by, so you should move it to a lower place?

If the cork starts to bulge, the wine has already been affected by the temperature.

The popping of the cork means that the wine has been exposed to oxygen for some time. Exposure to oxygen will initiate the breeding process. If the breeding goes beyond the proper breeding, the taste will change too much.

What is the storage temperature for sparkling, white and red wine?

Sparkling, white, and red are all between 12-15 degrees, which is the right temperature. It is very harmful to wine to store wine in a room with large temperature changes due to daily temperature difference and seasonal change, such as a living room or closet. Food scientist Dr. Fulvio Mattivis compared the chemical structure and taste of 400 bottles of Tuscan wine after storing half of them in a specialized wine cellar and the other 200 in a closet for two years. The results showed that wines left at room temperature lost antioxidants four times faster and were more likely to cause wine faults.

wine and humidity

If you’re only going to keep it for a short period of time and consume it quickly, it doesn’t really matter. However, it is said that humidity control is also very important if you plan to store and age the wine for more than three years. For 1-2 years, the cork can be kept moist if the wine bottle is laid down, but in the case of long-term aging, constant humidity control is required. Humidity should be maintained between 50 and 75 degrees to prevent the cork from drying out. When the cork dries out and dries out, air enters through the gaps, which can oxidize the wine, so be careful. Those who store wine for a long time should be careful. In addition, since ultraviolet rays can affect wine, it is recommended to store it in a dark place away from direct sunlight.

Cellars that maintain high humidity are prone to mold growth.

wine fridge storage

​If you don’t have a wine cellar or a suitable place to store it at home, and you have to store it in the refrigerator, it’s okay to keep it in the refrigerator for a short period of time. However, the aging may be stopped because the refrigerator is too cold. It’s lower than the right temperature. But the wine doesn’t go bad, so I think it’s okay to keep it for a while. Wouldn’t it be much better than a very high temperature or room temperature condition?

#Wine Storage Method #Wine Optimal Temperature #Wine Information Tube Temperature #Wine Cellar #Wine Refrigerator #Wine Aging #Wine Humidity

#wine temperature