Let’s learn about how to check Olive Young’s business hours at each store and how to check popular products. Olive Young sells many products, including cosmetics, snacks, and nutritional supplements.
I stop by Olive Young at least once a month. Please check below for information on how to check Olive Young’s business hours at each store and how to check popular products.
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Olive Young business hours
Olive Young’s business hours vary by store, but are generally open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays.
Most stores have different business hours on weekdays and weekends and are open 365 days a year, so there are no closed days, including Lunar New Year or Chuseok.
Check business hours for each store: https://www.oliveyoung.co.kr
Olive Young business hours
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How to check Olive Young business hours by store
There are two ways to check Olive Young’s business hours. The first way is to search for the Olive Young store you want to go to or a nearby Olive Young store on Naver, and the second way is to find the store on the Olive Young website and check detailed information.
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Check Naver Olive Young’s business hours
If you find a nearby Olive Young store in the search bar on Naver, a list of nearby stores will appear. Please select the Olive Young store you would like to visit.
When you press a store, the store’s location appears on a map and you can save it or check it again through street view, sharing, etc.
Olive Young business hours
Scroll down to see detailed address, nearest subway station, business hours and phone number. Usually, only the business hours for that day are displayed, so you can click the arrow to check the business hours for all days of the week. You can also view the Olive Young website address and announcements.
In the case of Olive Young Yeouido Station branch, weekday business hours are from 8:00 am to 10:30 pm. Saturday hours are 10:00 AM to 10:30 PM and Sundays are 11:00 AM to 10:30 PM.
As an example, Olive Young’s business hours vary depending on the region and day of the week, so if you visit thinking they are the same, you may not be able to purchase the product you need because it is closed.
Olive Young business hours
Check the business hours of each store on the Olive Young website
You can check detailed business hours for each of the 1,336 stores through the Olive Young website. First, please visit the Olive Young website.
When you go to the Olive Young website, click the store information menu in the upper right corner. Because it is in small font, it may be hard to see.
Olive Young business hours
When you enter the store information page, there are three ways to search for a store. There are two options: direct search, where you search for an area directly, local search, where you search by setting a city/province, and store search, where you search for the product you want to purchase.
When you select a store, you can basically check the detailed address, phone number, and business status. When open, an olive-colored sign indicates open, and when business is closed, a gray-colored sign indicates preparation for business.
To check Olive Young’s business hours, click the View Details button.
Olive Young business hours
When you press the View Details button, the detailed address and store number will appear, along with an indication of whether the store is open or not.
You can check business hours at the bottom of the map. Like Naver, it is available from 8 AM to 10:30 PM on weekdays, 10 AM to 10:30 PM on Saturdays, and 11 AM to 10:30 PM on Sundays and public holidays.
There are detailed instructions on how to get to the store, and you can check the product categories being sold, photos of the store, and even the services being provided.
Currently, Olive Young’s Yeouido Station branch provides gift wrapping, TAXREFUND, gift card sales, cultural gift certificate sales, CJ gift certificate sales, simple payment, and smart return and pickup services. This is the first time I learned that you can purchase cultural gift certificates at Olive Young.
Olive Young business hours
Check popular products by store
One of the interesting features on the Olive Young website was the ability to check the best products in real time.
You could check the most popular products in each store for a month from 1st to 5th place and even purchase them directly online.
It was possible to search for popular products by subdividing them by age group, gender, and category. If you were looking for a mask pack that women in their 30s frequently purchase, you could check in detail by ranking.
Olive Young business hours
I was curious about the purchase rankings of men in their 20s at that store, so I looked it up. Soothing pads, soothing creams, lip oils, and tongue cleaners were popular products at the moment. I think it would be good to refer to this when considering a birthday gift from Olive Young.
Olive Young business hours
So far, we have learned how to check Olive Young’s business hours at each store and how to check popular products. We will continue to strive to share information that will save you time and money. thank you