영유아 건강검진 문진표 작성 및 결과표 출력 방법 How to fill out the health examination questionnaire for infants and toddlers and print out the result sheet

Fill out infant health checkup questionnaire on mobile, search results
영유아 건강검진 문진표
Infant health checkup and medical questionnaire
Infant health checkup questionnaire: Infant health checkup is a check-up to check the health status of young children and prevent them. You will receive a check mail from the Health Insurance Corporation for these examinations. Health check-up checks the health of young children to help prevent and take action against health problems that may arise

영유아 건강검진 문진표

You can use the health checkup system for infants and toddlers without paying for yourself.

From 14 days to 71 months of age, you can protect your health with 8 health checkups.


Information on health checkups for infants and toddlers
Infant Health Checkup Guide


Health Checkup for Infants and Toddlers
Health Checkup for Infants and Toddlers


What is the Infant Health Checkup System?

Health checkup for infants and toddlers is a health checkup program for each stage of growth targeting infants from 14 days old to 71 months old.


▶ We support the healthy growth of our children by constantly checking the growth and development of infants and toddlers through physical measurement, health education, developmental evaluation, and consultation.


▶ You can receive health checkups for infants and toddlers at no personal cost, and at each checkup, parenting counseling including safety accident prevention, nutrition education, useful parenting guidelines suitable for the age of the child, and health education are provided.


▶ Growth and developmental abnormalities such as growth retardation and overweight can be diagnosed at an early stage, and if problems found through examination are treated early, the cure rate is very high, so you can maintain a healthy life.


Health problems in infants and young children can be alleviated if detected early, but if the timing is missed, there are many difficulties in treatment, so infant health checkups are very important.




Reservation for health examination for infants and young children and search for examination center

Health checkups for infants and toddlers are not available at any hospital.

You need to find a designated examination institution, make an appointment, and receive a examination.


Make a reservation for a designated examination center



Find a health checkup center for infants and toddlers
Find a health checkup center for infants and toddlers




Fill out the health checkup questionnaire for infants and toddlers

The infant health checkup form is as follows.


※ You can fill out the web questionnaire from the 1st checkup and the developmental screening test form from the 3rd.

※ During the 6th check-up, you must conduct a whisper test and fill out a medical questionnaire.



▶ If parents are subscribers of health insurance and are registered with infants and toddlers

Fill out medical questionnaire/developmental screening test sheet → login to menu certificate → use web service



▶ In case the parents are not registered with the infant on the health insurance card

Fill out medical questionnaire/developmental screening test form → login to menu certificate → request for confirmation of relationship between infant and toddler → web service can be used when approval is completed at the affiliated branch office.


If it is difficult to use the web service, you can receive a health checkup for infants by filling out the written questionnaire and developmental screening test form provided by the screening institution as before.


Fill out the health checkup questionnaire for infants and toddlers


Fill out the developmental screening test


Period of health examination for infants and young children and questionnaire
Infant health checkup period and questionnaire  (Source: National Health Insurance)


Infant Health Checkup Program

The infant health checkup program has different methods depending on the checkup period and is conducted according to the vaccination period, so be sure to take care of the health checkup along with vaccination.