어린이 보호구역 속도위반 벌금 조회하는 방법 How to look up fines for speeding in children’s zones

To Find Fines for Speeding Violations in Children’s Zones | time | Penalties | error | 30 km speed limit | 40 km speed limit | Signal Violation Criteria | Let’s take a look at the inquiry homepage.
어린이 보호구역 속도위반

From October 21st, parking and stopping have been completely banned in protected areas for the transportation vulnerable (school zones, etc.). A school zone, or children’s protection zone, refers to an area designated as some of the roads around facilities for children under the age of 13, such as kindergartens, elementary schools, daycare centers, and academies. There is a guide board as below.

어린이 보호구역 속도위반
Parking in children’s protection area
Children’s protection zones were created with the intention of preventing accidents from occurring when drivers are unaware of children who may suddenly jump out between vehicles.

The purpose of the law revision!!

It is said that the reason for prohibiting parking and stopping in children’s protection zones is that short children are at high risk of traffic accidents.

Fines for speeding in children’s zones

In the case of speeding violations in child protection zones (hereinafter referred to as school zones), fines are added. The amount is detailed on the Road Traffic Authority website, as follows. In school zones, it costs 160,000 won when the speed exceeds 60 km/h, and 120,000 won between 40 and 60 km/h. The faster the school zone is violated, the higher the fine.


Below is the website of the Road Traffic Authority. If you are interested in more information, you can find information on the site below.


Road Traffic Authority



Fines for parking and stopping violations in child protection zones

In school zones, not only speeding violations, but also negligence fines for parking and stopping violations are imposed. In places where children are protected, fines are 2 to 3 times higher than on general roads.

A fine of 120,000 won is imposed for parking and stopping violations in child protection zones.


Crackdown time for children’s protection zone

Enforcement hours are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm regardless of holidays or public holidays. It is said that the same applies to the elderly protection area and the disabled protection area.


We should all be more careful in school zones.