알뜰폰 통신사 추천

알뜰폰 통신사 추천


I have been using the iPhone self-sufficiency system for three years.I think only the elderly use the affordable phone plan.No. These days, young people use more affordable phone plans.Today, I’d like to recommend a comparison of September’s affordable phone plan.



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comparison of affordable phone plans

This post deals with the cheapest phone plan information available for each carrier.In addition, if certain conditions are met, we will inform you of the unlimited data, text, and call plan for two years as a plan that can be used around 20,000 won, so please read it to the end.


What is an affordable phone plan?

What is an affordable phone plan?You can think of it as a plan where low-cost carriers rent only SK, KT, and LG’s communication networks to provide communication network services to customers.In other words, the data, text, and call service quality of the three carriers are exactly the same.


The only difference is that there are no membership benefits provided by the three communication companies.


How to use the affordable phone plan.

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affordable phone plan that is key to transferring

To summarize the affordable phone plan in one word, it is “Grasshopper.”There are many low-cost carriers on the market that provide a lot of affordable phone plan services.They attract customers through monthly promotional discounts.


At this time, there is no separate “contract period” for the promotions provided.So after the promotion period, moving to another low-cost carrier that offers good discounts is the key to using the affordable phone plan.


affordable phone plan Maginot Line

The reason for using the affordable phone plan is to reduce communication fees, but to use unlimited data at a low price.At this time, there is a prank occasionally played by the telecommunications company.


You may have seen the phrase that unlimited data is unlimited, but it is provided at 1 mbps or 400 kbps after all the data is exhausted.This is really slow.You can think of it as just internet search and kakaotalk.


I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos lately.If you watch the video at the above speed, it takes all day to load.Therefore, when choosing a carrier plan, it is useful if the speed is at least 3 mbps or higher.


11GB + 2GB per day + 3Mbps data provided when used up + unlimited phone calls and text messages
The above conditions are national conditions for the affordable phone carrier plan.Based on these conditions, I would like to recommend the best plan for each carrier’s promotion conditions.


LG Eyes Mobile unlimited plan

Price: 17,820 won
Discount period: 7 months
Application site: Eyes Mobile
If you don’t mind using LG carrier, I recommend the unlimited IZ mobile plan.You can use unlimited data, phone calls, and text messages, but if you can use it for less than 20,000 won per month, it’s a really good condition.


However, after 7 months, the communication fee will increase considerably to 39,930 won.Don’t forget to move in time for the end of the discount, right?

아이즈 모바일 요금제 설명 사진
IZ Mobile unlimited plan

KT Smartel unlimited plan

Price: 19,800 won
Discount period: 5 months
If you use an affiliate card, you only need to pay 4,800 won.
Application site: Smartel
Actually, I don’t think there is a difference in the quality of the calls from the three telecom companies, but there are people who sometimes get worse.In that case, I recommend the unlimited KT Smartel plan.


Data, text, and phone unlimited plans for the same conditions.The price is 19,800 won.You can use the discount plan for 5 months, which is 2 months less than the IZ Mobile I introduced above.


Instead, if you pay the communication fee with an affiliated card, the communication fee will be greatly reduced to 4,800 won.I personally don’t recommend it.The key to the affordable phone plan is to keep changing, but if you use an affiliate card, it will be inconvenient to change.


스마텔 무제한 요금제 조건 사진
Smartel Unlimited Terms and Conditions

SKT Unlimited Affordable Phone Plan

Unfortunately, SKT doesn’t have an unlimited price plan promotion.If you have to use the SKT affordable plan, please refer to SK Seven Mobile as the conditions are not bad.


Recommend unlimited affordable phone plan

So far, I’ve told you about unlimited affordable phone plans for each carrier as of September 22.The price is quite reasonable, but unfortunately, the discount period is only 5 to 7 months.


If you don’t remember it separately, you have to pay nearly 40,000 won in communication fees after the discount ends, and there is a hassle of having to do grasshoppers at the end of the day.


There is an unlimited affordable phone plan that properly compensates for these shortcomings if only certain conditions are met.It can be used for two years at 24,000 won per month under the same unlimited plan.Please refer to the following post for more information.알뜰폰 통신사 추천