신생아 특례대출 [23.11.03] What is special loan for newborns? : news

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Economic Policy [23.11.03] What is special loan for newborns?
The ‘newborn special loan’ that the government plans to implement from January next year is a hot topic. In August of this year, it was a policy proposed as a ‘housing support plan to overcome low birth rate,’ and there was news that the target amount was estimated at 26 trillion won.

👀 What is a special loan for newborns?
The policy finance product that received attention this year was the ‘special nest loan.’ It was pointed out that many people were using this policy financial product, fueling the increase in household loans, and the policy target was reduced. The special loan for newborns has a lower interest rate and relaxed income requirements compared to the current special home loan. Having a child can be seen as the most important thing.
Special loans for newborns are based only on the birth of the child, regardless of marital status. The same applies to the special supply of furniture for newborns in public sales and the preferential supply of newborns in public rentals, which will be implemented starting next year. Although it is a policy to increase the birth rate in response to population decline, there are some who worry that illegal supply may occur by targeting only benefits.
JYP: In the past, policies for purchasing a home encouraged childbirth by giving preferential treatment to ‘newlyweds.’ Things are different now. It specifically presents the condition ‘if you have a child’ regardless of marital status. It’s a completely different situation from about 50 years ago, when birth control policies gave priority for subscriptions to sterilizers.

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