생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health check-up items by life cycle, types of subjects and costs

Health checkup item list cost by life cycle
생애주기별 건강검진
Did you know that health checkup items are different for each age?


For example, from the age of 40, the state supports screening for stomach cancer, liver cancer, and breast cancer.

생애주기별 건강검진

We have created a table of national health checkup support items by life cycle.

It’s nicely laid out at a glance.

Health Checkup Items by Life Cycle
In addition to cancer screening, this is a list of health checkup items by life cycle of general health checkup items.

Subjects for health checkup by life cycle
Did you know that mental health checkups can also be supported by the state?


What’s unusual is that you can get a health checkup every 10 years for depression.

Get a psychiatric examination for each 10-year life cycle at the same time you receive a health checkup.

In addition, cholesterol checkup, bone density, and hepatitis B checkup are greatly supported during general health checkups by life cycle.

Cancer health screening by life cycle
In some ways, isn’t the most important cancer health checkup?

Search for people diagnosed with cancer by life cycle
I also continue to receive cancer health checkups that support each life cycle.


Representatively, there are colonoscopy, gastroscopy, and ultrasound that most of them have done.

Ultrasound examination is relatively simple.

Gastrointestinal endoscopy is very laborious because I had to do an enema after not eating anything the day before.

National health examination by life cycle
A list of items for health checkups by life cycle to support the elderly has also been compiled.

From bone density tests to depression, cognitive dysfunction, etc., you can get tested together with the national health checkup.

Benefits of supporting medical expenses for the elderly over 65 years of age

This is a government-funded medical expense support benefit for seniors aged 65 and older. First. Support for implant medical expenses. second. Support for partial and full dentures. Third. Age 60 or older Cataract surgery, retinal disease, glaucoma

After all, when you become an elderly person, you are receiving a lot of support for mental health checkups due to brain aging.

Please refer to the above list of medical insurance benefits for seniors aged 65 and over.

Subjects for health checkup by life cycle
Each year, there are people who are eligible for health checkup depending on the year of birth.

Please check if you are eligible for health checkup first.

2023 National Health Examination Target Search

Those who are eligible for the 2023 health checkup are those with an odd year of birth. For example, if you were born in 1991, you are eligible for the checkup. However, in the case of office workers, it is compulsory to undergo a health checkup. every 1-2 years

In the case of office workers, the company periodically reminds them to undergo a health checkup.

However, if you are a freelancer, entrepreneur, or unemployed, no one asks you to get a health checkup.

Medical benefits for seniors aged 65 or older (cataract surgery cost, dental dentures, medical expenses)

Medical benefits for the elderly aged 65 and over are summarized. 1. Cataract surgery cost 2. Dental denture benefits 3. Implant support 4. Other medical expenses support. First of all, cataract treatment and medical expenses that are common among the elderly over 65 years of age

If you are a citizen of Korea, health checkups are basically supported free of charge.

In addition, cancer screening items, ultrasound examinations, MRIs, etc. are supported differently depending on the age of each life cycle.

There is nothing in the world more important than health, right?

Even if no one tells you, let’s live happily ever after by taking care of health checkups accurately.