사전채무조정 Credit Recovery Committee, Extends the Period for Operation of Special Cases for Rapid and Advance Debt Adjustment < Public Institutions < Newsroom < Article - S-Journal

사전채무조정From April 2023, a special case for rapid and advance debt adjustment was temporarily operated (April 2, 2024) to reduce the debt burden of low-credit and low-income borrowers, but preemptive recovery support was provided in consideration of the demand for debt adjustment from vulnerable groups due to high interest rates, etc. For this purpose, the special operating period for rapid and advance debt adjustment is extended.
In addition, among applicants for special provisions for rapid debt adjustment, it was decided to expand the level of loan contract interest rate reduction from 30-50% to 50-70% only for basic livelihood security recipients with significantly low repayment ability, severely disabled people, and the elderly (over 70 years of age). .
Those eligible for special support for rapid debt adjustment are those with delinquency of 30 days or less or those with no delinquency but are at risk of delinquency. 
Comprehensively considering the repayment ability, including available income (income – recognized cost of living) and assets, compared to the size of the debt, the interest rate agreed on the existing loan is reduced by 30-50% without adjusting the principal. The repayment burden is eased by extending the installment repayment period to a maximum of 10 years in line with monthly disposable income.
In addition, to help resolve difficulties such as temporary decrease in income and unexpected increase in expenses, we provide an opportunity to defer principal payment (up to 1 year before principal repayment and up to 2 years during repayment, for a total of 3 years), and during the grace period, the annual interest rate is 3.25%. Only interest is paid.
Those eligible for special support for advance debt adjustment are debtors who are 31 to 89 days overdue, recipients of basic livelihood security, severely disabled people, and senior citizens over 70 years of age.
Even in situations where the delinquency period is not long, we support a full reduction in interest and overdue interest equivalent to a personal workout (for those with more than 90 days overdue on any of their debts from various financial companies) and interest-free principal repayment in installments within up to 10 years.
In addition, as this is support for those who have significantly lost their ability to repay, a principal reduction of up to 30% is supported, taking into account the possibility of debt restructuring.
Applications and applications can be made by visiting 50 financial integration support centers nationwide or through the cyber counseling department of the Shinbok Committee or through a dedicated app.

