부모급여 신청방법 및 자격조건 How to apply for 2023 parental benefit (qualification conditions, support amount, application website) :: Financial Welfare Damoa

부모급여 신청방법 및 자격조건✅ Apply for Parental Benefit

The infant allowance paid to children between the ages of 0 and 1 will disappear and parental benefits will be paid from 2023. A total of KRW 1,6249 was allocated as a parental benefit budget, and through this, a parental benefit of up to KRW 700,000 per month will be paid starting in 2023. We’ll find out more about it below.
✅ Apply for Parental Benefit

Parents of children aged 0 and 1 in 2023 are eligible for parental benefit support.

700,000 won per month for parents of 0-year-olds, and up to 350,000 won per month for parents of 1-year-old parents.

Parents’ salary – support amount
2023-Childrearing Support-Parents’ Benefits

You can apply online from January 4 on the Welfare Road website and from January 6 on the Government 24 website.

You can apply for parental benefits on the Government 24 website or on the Welfare website.

✅ Go to Government 24

✅ Go to Welfare

Parents’ benefit-application-go to bar

If you wish to apply in person, you can apply by visiting the local eup, myeon, or dong office/Administrative Welfare Center.

✅ Find an administrative welfare center near me

Q) How can I apply for infants born in 2022?
A) For infants in 2022, you can apply after confirming retroactive application.

September – December 2022 – Infant allowance payment
January to August 2023 – 700,000 won parental benefit for children aged 0
September to December 2023 – Since they are 1 year old, parents pay 350,000 won per month
January to August 2024 – 500,000 won per month for parents as they are 1 year old

부모급여 신청방법 및 자격조건
