범죄경력회보서 발급 How to use the criminal record report issuance system (mentor and instructor) > Data room | Hwaseong City School-Outside Youth Support Center Dream Dream

범죄경력회보서 발급After visiting the center and filling out the application form, please check the criminal record report issuance system in the order listed below and be sure to call the center to let them know you have completed it.

Please note that if you do not contact us after completing it, it will be invalidated!

※ For details, check the attached file

Criminal Record Report Issuance System Inquiry

① Chrome: Criminal Record Report Issuance System Inquiry
② Login
③ Click on Application for Issuance Consent for Employment Prospective Employee
④ Consent for Issuance
Facility (Organization) ID: AA18PE
Verification Number: 0179
Click on Agree
⑤ Apply for Issuance
⑥ Report Type: Select Sexual Crime History and Child Abuse Crime History Inquiry Response
⑦ Click on Print Type – Facility (Organization) Print
⑧ Application Details: Personal Information
⑨ Reason for Consent: Submitted to Organization
⑩ Address Police Station: Gyeonggi Southern Provincial Police Agency / Gyeonggi Hwaseong Western Police Station

After clicking on Apply, check the Agree to All box, and click on Confirm My Criminal Record at the bottom of the application information. Then A preview of the response to the sexual crime record and child abuse criminal record inquiry will appear.

Scroll down to the bottom and check the identity verification completion (printed by the facility manager) to complete the application.

⑪ Center contact 031)278-0179   There are no registered comments.
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범죄경력회보서 발급
