버스운전자격증 시험 How to apply for the bus driving qualification test, qualification conditions

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The bus driving qualification test is a national qualification test, and those who wish to engage in driving work in the passenger transport business must pass the test before driving. Test registration is available at the TS Korea Transportation Safety Authority, and the cost is 11,500 won. 

Those who wish to obtain a bus driving qualification can verify their real name on the website, then specify their desired test location, date, and time, and then register for the test. 
Go directly to take the bus driving qualification test

Anyone who wants to engage in driving work in the passenger transport business as shown below must obtain a bus driving license before driving.
Those wishing to acquire qualifications must meet the conditions below to take the exam. All criteria are based on the exam application deadline.
1. Age: 20 years or older
2. Driver’s license holder: Class 1 large, Class 1 regular
3. Car driving experience of more than 1 year 
4. Standards suitable for new (maintenance) inspection standards for detailed driving aptitude tests 
5. Persons who do not fall under the grounds for disqualification under Article 24, Paragraph 3 of the Passenger Transport Service Act
There are 4 subjects on the exam, and you will pass if you answer 48 out of 80 questions correctly. 

The test time is 80 minutes in total, and the type of test (bus/cargo) may change depending on regional demand. 
There are two ways to reissue a certificate: applying online or visiting the regional headquarters. The submitted documents are as follows. 
1. Issuance fee: 10,000 won
2. 1 copy of application for reissuance of bus driver’s license (to be filled out at the reception location)
3. Driver’s license
4. 1 photo (half name card)
5. Driving experience certificate for the entire period: Applicable if you have not driven a business vehicle after obtaining the license.
Go to re-issuance of bus driver’s license
Go to bus driver qualification application
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