민방위 훈련 조회 및 변경 Civil Defense Training Inquiry and Change

Let’s learn about how to check and calculate civil defense annual leave. Information about civil defense annual leave is very important for fulfilling civil defense duties. If you know accurate civil defense annual leave information, you can conveniently plan by understanding the scheduled training schedule in advance. In addition, you can contribute to the safety of the country by faithfully fulfilling civil defense duties.

민방위 훈련 조회

민방위 훈련 조회

By introducing civil defense annual leave inquiry, confirmation, and calculation methods, we hope that it will help readers resolve questions about civil defense annual leave and help them fulfill civil defense duties for national safety.

How to check and calculate civil defense annual leave inquiry
1. How to check and check civil defense annual leave inquiry

We will explain in detail how to check civil defense annual leave.

1.1. National Disaster Safety Portal

Go directly to the National Disaster Safety Portal homepage

1. Access the National Disaster Safety Portal. You can go there right away by clicking the link above.

2. Click [Civil Defense] – [Education, Training] – [Contact information for the department in charge] in that order.

How to check the National Disaster Safety Portal 1
Source: National Disaster Safety Portal homepage

3. Select the city, province, city, county, or township, and then click [Search]. Check the contact information for the civil defense department.

How to check the National Disaster Safety Portal 2
Source: National Disaster Safety Portal homepage
4. Call the contact information you checked and ask about the civil defense year.

1.2. Check the education and training notice
One of the easiest ways to check the civil defense year is to check the education and training notice. The education and training notice is a document issued when you participate in civil defense training, and the year information is listed at the top of the notice.

Go directly to the Smart Civil Defense Education homepage

1. Go to the Smart Civil Defense Education homepage. You can go there right away by clicking the link above.

2. Select your region (city, province, city, county, or district).

Smart Civil Defense Education Verification Method 1
Source: Smart Civil Defense Education Website
3. Enter your name, date of birth, and mobile phone number, and then click [Check Electronic Notification].

Smart Civil Defense Education Verification Method 2
Source: Smart Civil Defense Education Website

4. If you are accessing for the first time, enter your password and click [Login to Member].

5. You can check your annual leave on the training notice.

Smart Civil Defense Education Verification Method 3
Source: Smart Civil Defense Education Website
1.3. Check the emergency training call-up notice
The emergency training call-up notice is also a document that allows you to check your annual leave. This notice is issued when you participate in emergency training, and the annual leave information is written at the top of the notice.

1.4. Call the local office
You can also call the local office you belong to to check your annual leave. Since the local office manages residents in each region, it has information on civil defense annual leave.

2. How to Calculate Civil Defense Years

The method of calculating civil defense years is as follows.

Subtract your discharge year from the current year.
For example, if the current year is 2024 and you were discharged in 2015, 2024 – 2015 = 9.
Subtract 8 from the result.
This is because the reserve force period is 8 years. Therefore, in the above example, 9 – 8 = 1, which is the 1st year of civil defense.
This calculation method is an approximate method, and if you want to know the exact years, it is most accurate to call the civil defense department in charge and confirm. At this time, you can check the contact information of the civil defense department in charge on the National Disaster Safety Portal.

The training time varies depending on the civil defense years. Those in the 1st and 2nd years receive training once a year for a total of 4 hours. Those in the 3rd and 4th years receive training once a year for a total of 2 hours. And from the 5th year to the age of 40, you will receive training once a year for a total of 1 hour.

In conclusion

We looked at how to check, confirm, and calculate civil defense annual leave. This information is very important for all citizens to perform their civil defense duties. If you know the exact civil defense annual leave information, you can conveniently adjust your schedule by checking the scheduled training schedule in advance. In addition, you can contribute to national safety by faithfully performing your civil defense duties. I hope this article will be helpful to those who are interested in civil defense annual leave.