동물등록번호 조회방법 How to check animal registration number

When using public facilities for companion dogs such as dog parks, there are times when you need to write down your animal registration number.동물등록번호 조회

동물등록번호 조회

You can check the registration number by checking your companion dog registration certificate, but if it is difficult to find it right away, you can easily check it online.

Please note that if the companion dog registration process has not been completed yet, you cannot check it.

1. Access the National Animal Protection Information System

First, access the National Animal Protection Information System https://www.animal.go.kr/.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is in charge of tasks related to companion animal registration,
and comprehensively manages tasks such as abandoned animal management and animal registration.

You can search for lost animals or check animals being protected at shelters on the above site.

2. Click Login

National Animal Protection Information System main screen

Click ‘Login’ on the top right. If you have not registered as a member, please register first.

3. Log in

National Animal Protection Information System login screen

If you have a membership history, you can log in, but I always log in using the simple authentication method because I don’t remember my password.

If you have only registered as a member, you can log in using the simple authentication method of the following companies.

Kookmin Bank
Pass Certificate
Samsung Pass
Shinhan Bank
4. Click MyPage (Edit Information, etc.)

National Animal Protection Information System login completion screen

Once you have completed the login, the main page will appear as shown above.

Click MyPage (Edit Information, etc.) on the top right.

5. Click Registered Animal (Change) Information

National Animal Protection Information System My Page screen

When you enter MyPage, the screen shown above will appear.

If you look on the left, you will see ‘Registered Animal (Change) Information’. Click on the corresponding area.

6. Registered Animal Information Inquiry Complete

National Animal Protection Information System Animal Registration Number Inquiry

When you click Registered Animal (Change) Information, the animal registration number and detailed information such as the name and gender of the companion dog are written.

If you look on the right, you can print out an electronic certificate, so you can use it if necessary.

If there was a separate ‘Registered Animal Information Search’, it would be much easier for guardians to find it.

Since there are many cases of losing animal registration certificates, you will probably search for it a lot.

Maybe it’s because of my previous habit of using the website, but I don’t think I can find it in My Page.

If I think about it carefully, I think it can be classified as My Page information because it’s the guardian’s dog.

It seems like a structure that is difficult to find intuitively.