대한통운 택배조회(CJ택배) 및 고객센터 Korea Express delivery inquiry (CJ Delivery) and customer center

Recently, when I order a delivery, it often arrives through CJ Logistics.

대한통운 택배조회

대한통운 택배조회

We’ll introduce you to not only general tracking methods, but also ways to find out the detailed location of your parcel!


1. How to track CJ Logistics parcel (simple)
2. How to track CJ Logistics parcel (in detail)
3. Confirm with CJ Logistics delivery app
4. CJ Logistics Courier Customer Center
5. Finishing
1. How to track CJ Logistics parcel (simple)
The first is how to track CJ Logistics parcel delivery through Naver. It’s simple yet you can check the location of your parcel!


1. Search ‘Korea Express Delivery Inquiry’ on Naver.

2. Enter the number received from the seller in the blank tracking number input field (without -).

Naver-Korea Express Delivery Inquiry-Screen
3. You can check the location of your parcel as shown below.

Naver-Korea Express Delivery Inquiry-Screen

Naver is a simple way to search, but you can only check the location of your parcel and it is difficult to check in detail.

So, as another way to track the delivery, you can check the delivery driver’s contact information by checking the CJ Logistics delivery website below!


1. Go to CJ Logistics homepage (click on the link below)

Go to the parcel tracking site

2. Please enter the tracking number in the blank space.

Korea Express homepage-Courier inquiry-screen
3. If you enter the tracking number, you can check the contact information of the delivery driver as shown in the photo below. In case of urgent delivery, you can contact the driver directly and ask when the delivery will arrive.

Korea Express delivery inquiry-Delivery driver-Confirm contact information
2. How to track CJ Logistics parcel (in detail)
The following is a detailed way to track CJ Logistics parcel delivery. Through this search method, you can find out not only the contact information of the delivery driver but also the contact information of each branch. So, if you’re really in a hurry, you can check which store you’re at in real time to see when your package will arrive!


1. At the link site below, erase the number in the space behind =, enter your courier tracking number, and press Enter.


CJ Korea Express :: Delivery WEB product tracking

The tracking number is not registered or is not valid.

2. If you enter the site address, you can check detailed information such as the name of the delivery point, phone number of the delivery point, and SM mobile phone as shown below.

CJ Logistics Courier-Detailed-Inquiry-Screen
3. Confirm with CJ Logistics delivery app
Nowadays, you can easily search by installing the Korea Express courier app not only on your computer but also on your smartphone.

To use the Korea Express courier app, download the app as shown in the photo below, and it is also available on Android and Appstore!

Korea Express Courier-App-Download-Screen
If you have downloaded the Korea Express delivery app, please follow the steps below.

Once the app has been downloaded, run it.
Please select whether you are an individual or a business and log in.
There is a mobile phone authentication process when logging in, so please proceed with authentication.
If the authentication is successful, it is linked to your contact information and you can check past parcel deliveries for the past 90 days.
Additionally, if you click ‘Parcel Inquiry’ at the bottom of the main screen, you can search for parcels from up to 13 companies.
The advantage of the app is that when your delivery is about to arrive, you can check the driver’s face and contact information by clicking the ‘Details’ button!
4. CJ Logistics Courier Customer Center
So far, we have learned about how to track CJ Logistics parcel delivery. Depending on how you track your parcel, you can check everything from the driver’s contact information to the name and phone number of the delivery store handling the parcel, so it would be a good idea to make good use of it.


If you have any questions or problems with all of these delivery tracking methods, it may be a good idea to use the CJ Logistics Customer Center.

The contact number for CJ Logistics Courier Customer Center is 1588-1255. It is said to be open from 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays and from 09:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays.


In addition to the delivery customer center, you can also report delivery accidents through the inquiry form below, so please make good use of 1:1 inquiries.


[ Contact Us | CJ Logistics ]

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for through the frequently asked questions, please use 1:1 inquiry.

5. Finishing
Recently, as non-face-to-face contact, such as working from home, has increased due to the coronavirus situation, it seems that more people are using courier services. Among them, we looked into how to track the delivery of CJ Logistics, which has a high market share. In addition to simply searching, you can also check the location of your parcel in more detail in case of an urgent delivery.