다이소 재고조회 및 확인하는 방법 How to check and check Daiso inventory

Are you looking for a way to check Daiso store inventory? If you check product inventory before visiting Daiso, you can enjoy shopping without wasting time. There are three ways to check Daiso store inventory. Here’s how to use Daiso Mall, how to use the app, and how to contact customer service.

다이소 재고조회

다이소 재고조회

Today, we will tell you how to check inventory at Daiso stores.

Daiso store inventory inquiry characteristic image

Check Daiso inventory👈
Hide table of contents
1 Daiso Mall
2 Daiso store inventory inquiry
3 Daiso Customer Center
4 Daiso app inventory inquiry
5 Frequently Asked Questions
6 Conclusion
Daiso Mall
What is Daiso Mall?
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Daiso Mall: Until now, you could buy Daiso products at offline Daiso stores, but with the advent of Daiso Mall, Daiso Mall is now an online shopping mall space where you can buy Daiso products online.

We will tell you about the features of Daiso Mall.

First of all, you can receive free shipping when you order products over 30,000 won at Daiso Mall.

And if you are a customer who visits Daiso Mall for the first time, you can receive a shipping cost saving coupon. You can save 50% on shipping costs when purchasing over 20,000 won. Please note that you can receive as many as two coupons, so be sure to receive them when you sign up.

Go to Daiso Mall👈

Get free Daiso coupon👈

Daiso store inventory inquiry
What is Daiso inventory inquiry?
Daiso inventory inquiry allows consumers who use Daiso to check in advance whether the product they want is in stock at a Daiso store.

There are three ways to check Daiso inventory. The first is to check on the Daiso official website, the second is to check on the Daiso mobile app, and the third is to contact the Daiso customer center directly.

How to check Daiso inventory
We will tell you how to check inventory at Daiso stores. First, click on the shortcut as shown in the image below.

image 56

Afterwards, search for the name of the store you want to visit or check inventory. I will click on the Itaewon branch.

image 57

Please enter the name of the product you want to check inventory in the search box on the page that appears. I will write ‘knitting yarn’.

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When you search for ‘knitting yarn,’ the following product names are listed. Here, click on the product name you want to check inventory for. I will click on ‘Crepe Knitting Thread (approx. 40g) Beige’ at the top.

image 59

When I clicked, the inventory was viewed as shown in the image below. It is said that the ‘Crepe Knitting Room’ is located in B1F 22. It says there are a total of 18 or less in stock. The quantity seems to be sufficient.

image 60

After checking inventory and confirming that there is sufficient stock, you can immediately go to an offline Daiso and purchase it. If you don’t mind visiting

You can visit Daiso Mall and purchase online.

For reference, write down what you searched above on paper or a notepad on your phone, and when you visit, look for the store number and the store on the wall right next to it, and you will be able to see the product.

Please note that if a product is not available at that location, it is said to be sold out.


Daiso Customer Center
Daiso Customer Center is where you can make inquiries about Daiso products or other inquiries, or provide inquiries about Daiso Mall and membership.

Product and other inquiries
If you would like to inquire about Daiso products or other inquiries, please call 1522-4400.

Consultations are held from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays and from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturdays.

Please note that chat consultations are also available. If you apply for chat consultations on the Daiso website, you can inquire online from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays.

Daiso Mall and membership inquiries
If you need to inquire about Daisom Mall and membership, please call 1599-2211. Please note that this customer center is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays.


Daiso app inventory check
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We will teach you how to check product inventory on the Dysosol app. First, go to the Play Store or App Store, search for Daiso, and download the [Daiso Mall] app.

Download Daiso app👈

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Afterwards, please run the app. Afterwards, when the first main home page appears, press the QR code button next to the search button.

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In the window that appears, click the [Find Store Product] button.


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When you press it, a search window for searching store products and checking store inventory will appear. First, search for the product you want to check inventory in the store product search box. Even if it is not the exact product name, you can write it loosely like ‘knitting yarn’ as in the image below.

Afterwards, enter the store near your home in the search box to check store inventory. If the store does not have it in stock after checking inventory, try searching for another nearby store.

If you look at the image below, you can see that the Itaewon branch currently does not have regular Giant Yarn Knitting Yarn (Pink) in stock.


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Now, if you look at the image below, you can see that the Itaewon branch has less than 19 pieces of Cotton Cake Knitting Yarn 40g (pink beige) in stock.

After checking that it is in stock, you can visit the store.

image 68

Download Daiso app👈

Frequently Asked Questions
I purchased a defective product!
If you purchase a defective product, it is Daiso’s fault. If the problem is with the product itself, you must immediately visit the store where you purchased it and have an employee check whether the product is defective.

If the product is finally judged to be defective, Daiso will quickly issue an exchange or refund.

If you want to check for defects before visiting the store, you can contact the Customer Satisfaction Center by phone. Please call 1522-4400.


What is Daiso’s exchange and refund policy?
We will inform you about Daiso’s exchange and refund policy.

Exchange: Exchangeable at the purchase store or nearby direct store within 2 weeks from the date of purchase with receipt.
Refund: Refund possible by visiting the store of purchase within 2 weeks from the purchase date with the receipt (refunds are not possible at other stores)
If the product is damaged or the packaging is damaged due to the customer’s carelessness, exchange/refund is not possible. Also, please note that when visiting the store, you must bring the receipt received after purchasing the product and the payment card (if purchasing by card).


When the product you want to purchase is not in the store!
There may be times when the product you want to purchase is not available in the store. This is natural. It is said that each store handles different products and there are differences in inventory. So, before visiting the store, please make sure to check the availability of the products I mentioned above before visiting the store.

Please note that if you check the product number and name and then contact the Customer Satisfaction Center (1522-4400), they will tell you a nearby store that has it in stock.


Today we learned how to check Daiso store inventory. Before visiting Daiso, please be sure to check online or through the customer center to see if the product you are looking for is available.

If you follow the method I mentioned above, you will be able to easily purchase items quickly and conveniently. Shopping while reducing unnecessary time and effort is the way to live life wisely.

Check Daiso inventory👈