깨진 그릇 버리는 법 How to dispose of broken glass or dishes?

Garbage that can be recycled must be separated and discharged. What kind of things can be recycled?
It is important to know that some things cannot be recycled even if they are separated.

깨진 그릇 버리는 법

In the case of broken glass or ceramics, it can be damaged, so seal it well and dispose of it in a general garbage bag.
(** Be careful not to injure your hands, such as wearing rubber gloves, as broken glass or ceramic dishes can be dangerous. ** )

Wrap broken glass well and dispose of it as general trash! 깨진 그릇 버리는 법


Broken bottles are not recycled, so it is recommended to wrap them well with paper such as newspaper to avoid injury and wrap them with tape to prevent the glass from coming out. Alternatively, you can wrap it in newspaper and seal it in a carton or milk carton for disposal. At this time, it would be better to seal the entrance with tape or something.

(If it’s too big or pointy, it might be better to put it in a box or pack and hit it with a hammer to break it up a bit more and throw it away.) 1분전

After that, put them together in a general volume-based bag and throw them away.

It is said that environmental sanitation workers are sometimes injured by broken glass or knives in general garbage bags. It’s better if you write it.

# Recycled glass bottles
On the other hand, in the case of ‘glass bottles’ that are not broken, they must be separated and disposed of as glass bottles.
Empty beverage bottles, jam bottles, and oil bottles and wash them thoroughly. After removing the label, remove the cap and discharge it.
Glass is said to be melted and remade into a glass bottle.

# Non-recyclable glass and porcelain
Glass cups such as intact porcelain cups, wine glasses, soju glasses, and beer glasses cannot be recycled, so they are not thrown away in glass bottles.
It must be disposed of in an incombustible garbage bag (sack). This may vary by region, but if you do not have a non-combustible garbage bag or there is a high risk of breaking
Seal well and place in regular trash bags.

Heat-resistant glass containers are not discharged together with the glass bottle discharge box. It is said that it is not recycled because it has a higher melting point than ordinary glass containers. It is a pity that heat-resistant glass is not recyclable.

Light bulbs with other materials are also not recycled. Just like when disposing of broken glass, seal it well and dispose of it in a general garbage bag.
Waste fluorescent lamps are put in a separate collection box.