금융인증서 공동인증서 차이 Difference between joint certificate and financial certificate

​A financial certificate is a certificate issued by the Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute. The advantage is that it can be used easily by entering a six-digit password without a security program at various issuing agencies, and can be stored in the cloud to prevent accidents due to hacking or personal carelessness. Which one is better is up to you to choose. This time, I would like to inform you about how to move the joint certificate stored in the smartphone to a USB or PC.

금융인증서 공동인증서 차이

Import and export of joint certificates 금융인증서 공동인증서 차이
First, if a joint certificate is issued in one place, whether it is a smartphone or a computer, it can be moved to another. This is solved by using the import and export functions, whether it is a smartphone or a computer or a USB drive.
Personally, I think that it is relatively easy to get a certificate from a bank mobile banking application using a smartphone, and I think you will agree.
I used the Kookmin Bank app as a standard. Other banks are relatively easier or similar. So it will be helpful for you to refer to. There is ‘Export Certificate’ in the Certification Center. If you click on it, you will see something like this:
We are exporting to PC now, so just click ‘Export to PC’. Conversely, if you import, you can press the import item and press the import item whether it is a PC or a smartphone, right? 이베이스매뉴얼
I chose to export to PC and plan to keep it on a USB stick. Then, select the appropriate joint certificate and enter the password. You will then receive an authorization number as shown below. Enter this authorization number. Where are you going? There is a place to enter the bank’s Internet banking site authentication center.
For more information, please refer to each mobile banking application.
ruler! I went to the computer and entered the bank’s Internet banking authentication center. Click on the ‘Copy Smartphone Certificate’ option here. Then the following window will appear, click Smartphone -> Copy PC certificate. like below.
Perhaps even here, the words used to express each bank are different. However, the overall framework is the same. So you can choose wisely. ah! You may get an annoying message asking you to install the program. You must install it to proceed. It is a rather heavy security program, but let’s proceed with the reminder that this part is unavoidable.
Finally, click Copy Certificate and enter the approval number you saw on your smartphone here. If you click OK, a window will appear asking you to select a medium to store the certificate as shown below.
You will be asked to select a medium to store the certificate in. It is recommended to install a suitable space here. Usually, if you have one for personal use, it’s best to install it there. Hard disks are inevitably weak in security, and few people have security tokens or storage tokens. A mobile phone is a small amount, but it is a method that costs a certain amount per month.
I put the joint certificate in the USB. And I could see the above message. Now, with this certificate, let’s log in to see if it has been successfully moved.
Ummm… Install the program again… This is why I don’t like the certificate… Anyway, I installed it. And when you return to the screen above and log in, you can check if there is a joint certificate as shown below.
Ummm… I accidentally put it on the hard drive… Did you check that it was moved? I’ll have to delete this later.
Above, we learned about the difference between a joint certificate and a financial certificate, and at the same time learned how to import/export from a smartphone to a PC. I do this occasionally, so I hope this information will be helpful to those who may have forgotten.