국민연금 조기수령 장단점 Find out about early receipt of the national pension and deferred pension

국민연금 조기수령 장단점Early receipt of the national pension refers to receiving a pension earlier than the normal old-age pension. Early retirement reduces your benefit amount, but allows you to get it sooner. In order to claim early, the following conditions must be met:

The age at which early receipt is possible is up to 5 years before the age of receiving the old-age pension. In other words, if the old-age pension is 63 years of age, you can receive it early from at least 58 years of age. From 2023, the eligible age for early receipt will change from 58 to 62.

▶ Refer to the table below.

▶ If you want to apply for early receipt of the national pension, you can use the following methods.

▶ Required documents for application are as follows.

After application, the pension will be deposited according to the pension start date. Your pension commencement date is usually the first day of the month following your birthday. For example, if your birthday is on January 15th, your pension start date is February 1st.

▶ The advantages of early receipt of the national pension are as follows.

▶ The disadvantages of early receipt of the national pension are as follows.

▶ The method of calculating the early receipt of the national pension and the deferred pension is as follows.

For example, let’s assume that a person born in 1961 who turns 63 in 2023 can receive an old-age pension of 1 million won per month. And let’s say the amount of the dependent’s pension is 100,000 won per month. in this case,

You can calculate it like this.

National Pension A deferred pension is a pension that is received later than the normal old-age pension. A deferred annuity increases your pension amount, but you can receive it later. To qualify for a deferred pension, the following conditions must be met:

The eligible age for deferred pension is up to 5 years older than the old-age pension age. In other words, if the age of receiving the old-age pension is 63, the deferred pension is available up to the age of 68. From 2023, the eligible age for deferred pension will change from 64 to 68.

▶ Please refer to the table below.

▶ To apply for the National Pension Deferred Pension, you can use the following methods.

▶ Required documents for application are as follows.

After application, the pension will be deposited according to the pension start date. Your pension commencement date is usually the first day of the month following your birthday. For example, if your birthday is on January 15th, your pension start date is February 1st.

▶ The advantages of the National Pension Deferred Pension are as follows.

▶ Disadvantages of the national pension deferred pension are as follows.

The choice between early receipt of the national pension and deferred pension depends on individual circumstances. Factors such as:

In general, people who are in good health and live a long life, have sufficient income and assets, have no or low family support obligations, want to raise their standard of living, are actively living in their old age, and are in an unstable economic situation. that can be advantageous.

Conversely, people with poor health and short life expectancy, low income and assets, high or high family support obligations, wanting to maintain a standard of living, quiet retirement, and stable inflation and economic conditions are more likely to choose early retirement. that can be advantageous.

However, all of these factors are difficult to predict. Therefore, you must decide at your own discretion whether to choose between early receipt of the national pension and deferred pension.

▶ Inquiry of National Pension Payment Amount
Inquiry of the national pension payment amount – Find out the upper and lower limits of the standard monthly income and the expected amount of pension for the payment method
I would like to know about the amount of the national pension payment. The National Pension is an important system to secure the old age of all of us. However, those who are confused by the standard monthly income and payment amount that change every year

From 2023, the age of receiving the national pension will change to 63. As a result, early retirement and deferred pensions will also change. In this article, we learned about the conditions for early receipt of the national pension, how to apply, the pros and cons, and how to calculate it. We also explained the conditions of the deferred pension, how to apply, the pros and cons, and the calculation method. I hope it will be helpful to those who are preparing to receive the national pension.

Please familiarize yourself with the National Pension Plan and make an appropriate choice. It is better to start preparing for old age early. In addition to the national pension, there are various ways to raise funds for retirement, such as private pensions and personal savings. Also, consider ways to improve the quality of your retirement, such as health care and hobbies.

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