국공립 어린이집 호봉 2022 Kindergarten/Daycare Salary Table

국공립 어린이집 호봉hello.
Today, we will learn about the 2022 kindergarten and daycare center salaries.
If you would like to compare this year and last year, there is an article posted regarding the 2021 salary table, so you may wish to refer to it as well.

First, I need to find out where my salary starts, right?
Graduation from a 3-year early childhood education department starts from salary level 7, graduation from a 4-year early childhood education department starts from salary level 8, and graduation from a 4-year college of education starts from salary level 9.
<Source: Central Childcare Support Center>

If you look at the table, you can see that it is rising little by little. But I wish it went up more.

As I mentioned before, in public daycare centers that receive financial support from the government, teachers are paid according to the salary scale, but in the case of private and home daycare centers that do not receive government support, there is a difference as they often receive almost the minimum wage.
<Source: Central Childcare Support Center, 2022 Childcare Business Guide>

Places that can receive it as shown in the table above are childcare workers working in places that operate government-funded childcare centers, such as national and public daycare centers, social welfare corporations, corporations, and organizations, as well as daycare centers specializing in English and children with disabilities.
<Source: Comprehensive Childcare Support Center, 2022 Childcare Business Guide>

According to the 2022 childcare teacher salary table above, the monthly payment based on 8 hours of work is set at 2,158,700 won for director No. 1 salary/1st pay grade for childcare teacher 2,018,400 won/1,916,600 won for cook.
The first childcare teacher salary in 2022 is 2,018,400 won, an increase of 77,600 won compared to the previous year’s childcare teacher protection salary of 1,940,800 won.
The actual salary received by childcare teachers is deducted from income tax, resident tax, and four major insurances from the above 1st salary amount.
In addition, there is also a childcare allowance paid directly to the childcare teacher’s account by the local government. This allowance is free from tax and four major insurance obligations.
Daycare centers pay 50% of teachers’ four major insurances as the employer’s share and pay 1/12th of their salary as retirement savings.
Daycare center directors must be paid from January 2022 according to the 2022 childcare teacher salary table above.
The minimum wage increased by 5.1% from 8,720 won per hour in 2021 to 9,160 won in 2022.

<Salary table for kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high school teachers in 2022/ Source: Ministry of Personnel Management>

If the amount shown in the table above is referred to as the basic salary, teachers receive allowances in addition to the basic salary.
Homeroom allowance
Target: Classroom teachers who have been reported for appointment to the Office of Education / Support unit price: KRW 130,000 per person per month
Basic salary supplement
Target: Directors, superintendents, classroom teachers, teachers in charge of after-school programs who have been reported for appointment to the Office of Education / Support unit price: KRW 250,000 per person per month
labor cost subsidy
Target: Directors, superintendents, classroom teachers, teachers in charge of after-school programs who have been reported for appointment to the Office of Education / Support unit price: KRW 330,000 per person per month
long-term service allowance
Target: Those eligible for basic salary subsidy with more than 5 years of teaching experience / Support unit price: KRW 30,000 per person per month

Today, we learned about the salaries of kindergarten and daycare teachers. Did you know that the actual salary is different?
It would be a good idea to check the pre-tax and after-tax amounts as they may differ slightly depending on the region.
It’s getting a little better every year, so let’s all cheer up and hope it gets better!
Good luck everyone!! ^^
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