공동인증서 비밀번호 찾기 How to find and change the password of the mobile phone public certificate (Feat. How to issue a joint certificate)

5 errors in joint certificate password 공동인증서 비밀번호 찾기

How to change from finding password

Check and find a password without a limit on the number of times

Do you know how to find and change the password?


If you get it wrong five times, it’s complicated

Don’t raise them, and be smart

It’s a simple way to handle it with your phone

Check out the tricks and use them

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1. How to issue an accredited certificate

Certified Public Certificate What is an electronic signature? An important element used in e-commerce for identification, prevention of forgery and falsification of documents, and proof of transaction facts, an accredited certificate has been developed to safely use it.

It acts like a seal certificate in e-commerce, and contains all information such as issuer identification, subscriber name and identification, electronic signature verification key, certificate serial number, and expiration date, and consists of asymmetric key passwords and systems.

This is how different keys are used to encrypt and decrypt data. For example, when purchasing an item from an Internet shopping mall through a mobile phone or computer PC and signing an electronic signature, the electronic signature is encrypted and transmitted with a private key, and the seller decrypts the password with the public key and restores it to its original state.

The generated electronic signature is used to compare it with the original signature to determine if it is forged. Currently, five institutions in Korea are officially designated as accredited certification bodies: the Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute, Korea Information Certification, Korea Securities Computer Corporation (KOSCOM), Korea Electronics Certification, and Korea Trade Information & Communications (Trade Sign).

Banks and securities companies only accept and register certificates issued by these institutions. Public certificates are legally recognized and are used not only in e-commerce but also in various fields such as smartphone Internet banking, securities trading, insurance subscription, and document issuance and submission.

However, it is not required for all transactions, as the mandatory use of high-value transactions has recently been abolished. To obtain a public certificate, you must apply for Internet banking from a financial institution.

First, they visit nearby branches of banks and securities companies they trade with, fill out an application form and receive a security card or OTP. If there is no financial institution in the transaction, they should apply for Internet banking together while creating a new bank account.

How to issue an accredited certificate

Find and click on the “Authorized Certification Center” on the homepage menu, select the type of certificate, and select New/Reissuance. After checking the terms and conditions of use, go through the identification process with the account number and resident registration number.

Enter the transfer password and security card serial number, and specify where to store the certificate. Set the password to use each time you use a certificate. If it expires after a year of application or if there is a problem with the storage medium, it will be reissued and restored.

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2. Change the name of the joint certificate

It was changed to the name of the joint certificate on December 10, 2020. As the private certificate was introduced due to the revision of the Electronic Signature Act, the exclusive status given to the public certificate was extinguished, and the name “official certificate” was changed to “joint.”

The joint certificate will replace what has been serving as an electronic identification card for 21 years since 1999. This enables legally guaranteed identification when trading on the Internet and ensures that electronically signed documents and information have not changed during the transmission process.

And it is characterized by the application of a strong encryption process to ensure confidentiality, and that signatories cannot deny their signatures. Meanwhile, although the public certificate was abolished, the previously issued certificate could be used as it was until the expiration date, and after that, it had to be reissued as a joint certificate or issued as a newly introduced private certificate.

How to issue a joint certificate

Bring your ID, bankbook, and stamp to an accredited certification registration agency that is currently engaged in financial transactions and apply for Internet banking or cyber trading. After verifying your identity at the agency, you will be issued a reference number and authorization code.

After entering the reference number and authorization code issued on the agency’s website, download the certificate program and install the joint certificate.

3. When you don’t know the password, how?

When you don’t know your password, you get a really embarrassing situation. In particular, if you enter it incorrectly more than five times, it goes into lockdown for a certain period of time, which is said to be a security measure. If your certificate is locked due to a password error, you can try again after a certain period of time.

It can usually take several minutes to hours, and you won’t know the exact waiting time until you contact your organization. If you still can’t access it after waiting, you should contact the organization that issued it or the certificate management organization to initialize or reset your password through the identification process.

However, it is important to remember the previously designated password first because changing the password is only possible if you are accurately aware of the previously used password. If there are multiple certificates, it is easy to get confused one by one, so there are many wrong situations.

The frequency limit is tightening your breath, and if you get it wrong more than three times, you will be cautious. This is because locking it in a situation where it is necessary can lead to a major accident that requires you to stop all work.

Because it is a procedure that is significant in influence and power, many attempts are prevented from hacking. In order to try this many times, a special method must be used, and that is the Korean information authentication site.

If you don’t know the password, access the Korean Information Certification mobile phone

From the Certificate Management tab, you can check, change, and delete all information from copy, password verification, password change, identity change, suspension, deletion, and subscriber information modification, and various additional services are available.

You can also report and handle tasks ranging from manual installation of the [Additional Features] program to updating, outputting, validating, issuing for encryption, exporting/importing, and testing the connection to the authentication server at once.