건강보험료 환급 신청방법(본인부담금 환급) How to apply for health insurance premium refund (refund of out-of-pocket expenses)

Did you know that you can get your health insurance premiums back? If you pay more than the monthly payment amount, you can receive a refund through health insurance refund inquiry. You must apply in person, and since there is a statute of limitations, you may not be able to receive it if you make a mistake. Please check the inquiry method below and apply.

건강보험료 환급

건강보험료 환급

The National Health Insurance Refund is a system in which the National Health Insurance Corporation refunds a portion of the medical expenses incurred by the subscriber during the year if they exceed the maximum amount set for each individual. Since it can greatly reduce the burden of medical expenses, please hurry up and check your National Health Insurance Corporation refund amount right away.



Check health insurance refund amount immediately



How to check health insurance refund amount
How to check health insurance refund amount

How to check health insurance refund amount
Online inquiry method
Offline inquiry method
Eligible for health insurance refunds
Based on the maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses
Precautions for inquiry/application of Gankang Insurance refund amount
Good article to read together
How to check health insurance refund amount

Online inquiry method
1. After accessing the ‘National Health Insurance website’, select Inquiry/Application for Refund.

2. Proceed with identity verification using simple authentication (private certificate), financial, and joint certificate.

3. Your health insurance refund will be checked immediately. If you have the money, please click ‘Apply’ to get a refund right away.

Offline inquiry method
For offline inquiries/applications, you must visit the nearest National Health Insurance Corporation branch.


Find a branch near you



Eligible for health insurance refunds


As a result of the HIRA reviewing the medical expenses charged by medical institutions (hospitals, pharmacies), when the NHIS pays to the hospitals or pharmacies for out-of-pocket expenses that exceed the legal standards or were received in error, the amount is deducted from the medical expenses. It will be returned.


In other words, the National Health Insurance Corporation will refund the additional out-of-pocket expenses. You must check the maximum out-of-pocket limit here to know whether you can receive a refund or not.


Based on the maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses
The maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses is as follows:

Here you can check the average annual insurance premium for the 1st to 10th decile, and if it is based on monthly insurance premiums for local subscribers and office subscribers, you can check it below.



Check monthly insurance premium standards



The out-of-pocket maximum income level is divided into 10 deciles according to the average annual insurance premium of the subscriber (by household) (income level is determined in August of the following year; for local subscribers, it is based on the premium by household; for dependents at work, it is based on the premium for employees at work)
Until the income level is determined, the maximum out-of-pocket expense (10th decile) of KRW 10.14 million as of 2023 is first applied and the excess is refunded.

Precautions for inquiry/application of Gankang Insurance refund amount
The person who received treatment must apply now using their ‘own account’.
In unavoidable cases (e.g., long-term hospitalization due to dementia or other disease, departure from the country, military service), when applying for a savings account belonging to a direct descendant or descendant, a medical certificate or opinion must be submitted.
In cases where the treatment is delegated to a family member or third party, a power of attorney and identification card of the person receiving treatment must be attached and submitted to the branch.

This is how you can check your health insurance refund. I hope this helps you a lot.