간헐적 단식 16:8 방법 16:8 Intermittent fasting and exercise

16:8 Intermittent Fasting is an easy way to eat for those who sweat hard at fitness clubs or parks and want to grow their health and physical strength at the same time. I also went through a number of trials and errors while working out at the same time, which led me to study various subjects. Here, I would like to share the exercise method and the exercise time that was “best for me from my experience.”

간헐적 단식 16:8 방법
First of all, I have to tell you about the 16:8 intermittent fasting style that I am following. Because the 16:8 intermittent fasting style also differs in detail, the way I exercise and the time I exercise inevitably differ accordingly. I take the method of not eating breakfast and eating from noon (12:00) to 8 p.m. (20:00). I take the method of not eating snacks and not consuming anything other than water during my fasting period. Dave Asprey, the founder of Bulletproof Coffee, discusses intermittent fasting in <The Greatest Meals> and argues that there is nothing wrong with drinking bulletproof coffee, which contains a lot of fat in the morning. I don’t take the same way

jasminevista.com because I think all food except water “breaks” fasting. Often people who exercise in the morning use coffee as a booster. In other words, they wake up with caffeine intake and then pull their future strength into the present. If you have taken intermittent fasting that allows coffee during your morning fasting time, you will not ” run out” of steam in the morning. However, I understand that fasting is a period of absorption and excretion rather than ingestion of food, and I do not want to miss out on many of the benefits of fasting because of coffee. Note that “activated oxygen,” commonly referred to as the biggest cause of “aging” and “health decline,” is most common in both cases. First, it occurs when you exercise vigorously. Second, it occurs when you digest food. We are familiar with the first case, but we are somewhat unfamiliar with the fact that we generate a large amount of free 간헐적 단식 16:8 방법 oxygen even when we digest food. As a result, eating two meals a day lowers the release of free oxygen, rather than eating three meals a day, and not eating a snack reduces the release of free oxygen than eating one. If you use coffee as your morning workout booster to get some radical exercise in the morning, your fasting will be broken and you will get some free oxygen as well as some extra free radicals generated by the radical exercise. The price of pulling your future strength to the present returns to morning and afternoon fatigue, and you will consume additional sweet snacks or coffee to forget about it. It’s like getting caught in a so-called vicious cycle.
Then, when should an ordinary office worker who lives the 16:8 intermittent fasting in the same way as me and is tied to work from 9 a.m. to 6 a.m. and can’t afford to exercise at all? You can’t work out during working hours, so it’ll end up being early in the morning or late in the evening. So let’s look at both cases. First, if you’re exercising early in the morning while 16:8 intermittently fasting, you have to lower your exercise intensity very much. Perhaps for those who like to exercise, you have to move at a low intensity that is not necessarily called “exercise.” In my experience, walking 5km fast or jogging was the most appropriate. Running is commonly classified as aerobic exercise, but the aerobic/oxygen free classification is not based on the type of exercise. If you walk or run slowly with the feeling that your breathing is not rough, your heart is not beating fast, and your muscles are not using force, it becomes an aerobic exercise that burns fat on an empty stomach in the morning. And that intensity should be enough for the whole morning after you get home from exercising, take a shower, and drink a few cups of water. Perhaps there will still be times in the morning when your stomach is unbearably hungry. In this case, the reason may be that you worked out in the morning with more intensity than necessary, or the content or time of the previous evening’s dinner. Eating a lot of spicy and salty food in the evening damages the stomach wall a lot, which conveys a feeling similar to hunger in the process of recovering overnight. For this reason, we feel hungry in the morning despite having a sufficient meal the previous evening, which is equivalent to “fake appetite,” points out the author of Never Eat Breakfast. Also, if you eat a lot of spicy and salty food the previous evening, your body will require much more water than usual, which makes you want to drink more water than usual during early morning exercise.
When the intensity is low, aerobic exercise on an empty stomach in the morning can be very helpful in burning fat. The sense of reward and accomplishment from completing your workout in the morning also comes as a bonus. However, as far as I know, it was hard to find anyone working hard at a fitness club in the morning or jogging long distances along the Han River on a 16:8 intermittent fast. Mushers who are interested in muscle growth will rush to protein drinks or supplements as soon as they finish exercising. Those who enjoy running marathons eat glucose gel while they are running, and they are always full after exercising. If you exercise vigorously, your body demands that you take nutrients immediately. There is nothing wrong with that, it is a natural demand. However, people who are diligent and motivated enough to wake up early in the morning and work out rarely exercise at “low intensity”. Other than that, those who want to lose “fat” through aerobic exercise also exercise vigorously, and as a result, they often post pictures of themselves smiling as if nothing happened on social media while their eyes are spinning because they are hungry throughout the morning. In my experience, 16:8 intermittent fasting was difficult for me to maintain my fast when I worked out intensely at dawn, while following the rules of intermittent fasting. Kinobody, a YouTuber who is known for both intermittent fasting and exercise, also admits this honestly.