생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health checkup items by life cycle, type of subject, and cost

In order to pursue a healthy life, healthy eating habits, active exercise, and Efforts such as health checkups are necessary to check and improve your health status. As an alternative to this, there is a health checkup system for each life cycle operated by the government. In this article, we will take a detailed look … Read more

생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health check-up items by life cycle, types of subjects and costs

Health checkup item list cost by life cycle 생애주기별 건강검진 Did you know that health checkup items are different for each age?   For example, from the age of 40, the state supports screening for stomach cancer, liver cancer, and breast cancer. We have created a table of national health checkup support items by life … Read more