윈도우10 초기화 How to simply reset the system in Windows 10 with just a click – EazyManual

윈도우10 초기화When you think of resetting Windows, you often think that you have to use installation media (USB, CD, etc.), but you can simply reinstall with a few clicks in Windows settings. So today, we will learn how to easily reset and reinstall the operating system in Windows 10 with just a click. Tutorial environment: … Read more

윈도우10 초기화 root blog :: Reinstall Windows using Windows 10 PC reset function

윈도우10 초기화Windows 10 provides a reset function in case a critical problem occurs with your computer. Initialization is a function that reinstalls Windows without an installation USB and can achieve results similar to a clean installation after formatting. Because initialization deletes all installed apps and programs and resets all settings related to Windows, it is … Read more