가스라이팅 뜻 gaslighting meaning

You must have heard the term gaslighting a lot around you. When we talk, we often say, “That’s gaslighting! It’s gaslighting!” But what exactly does gaslighting mean? In today’s post, what is the exact meaning of gaslighting, what is the origin of gaslighting, the steps of gaslighting, examples of gaslighting, and how to deal with … Read more

카카오뱅크 고객센터 Curious about the Kakao Bank customer center phone number?

​Even though it is the most used offline bank in Korea, It is no exaggeration to say that the bank used by many people is Kakao Bank. ​ I personally use other banks too, but I actually use Kakao Bank. 이베이스매뉴얼 I am using my main bank. ​ Since there is no offline branch, you … Read more

네이버 웨일 업데이트 Full scroll capture of web page, Naver Whale

2) Set the default browser on mobile ​ Run Whale on your phone and click the two lines (ⓐ) at the bottom right. 네이버 웨일 업데이트 A pop-up appears and click Settings (ⓑ). In Settings, click ⓒ Set as default browser. ⓓFor me, “Whale” is selected as the default browser app, but in Safari, you … Read more

토스유스카드 Toss Youth Card

Toss Youth Card Transportation Card | Shipping | charging | 6 Benefits | Let’s see how to open an account. Fintech company Toss has introduced a rechargeable ‘Youth Card’ that can be used from the first grade of elementary school. It seems to be an attempt to preoccupy not only teenagers, who are the target … Read more

카카오페이 비밀번호 찾기 Re-registration is the answer to find your Kakao Pay password.

​How to use KAKAO TALK ​ ​ First of all, this password has the advantage of being quick and easy to use because it consists of simple 6-digit numbers, not a combination of alphanumeric characters + special characters like a joint certificate. However, there are times when I register according to the flow at first … Read more

국민은행 빠른조회 Registered for quick account inquiry service with Kookmin Bank

Second, tax relief. The purpose is to normalize it according to the tax principle. In the capital gains tax sector, heavy transfer tax for multi-homeowners has been temporarily deferred (one year until May 9, 2023). In fact, this heavy duty system should be abolished. The existing general tax rate (6-45%) is so high that there … Read more