공인중개사 무료인강 Free tutoring for certified brokers

Today, I am going to summarize the free tutoring site for certified realtors that I shared with you in one article. There are a total of 3 sites to share. Let’s start right away with the free tutoring site for certified brokers. 1. Gyeonggi-do Lifelong Learning Portal Knowledge Gyeonggi-do Lifelong Learning Portal Knowledge Gyeonggi-do Lifelong … Read more

퇴직금 중간정산 단점 Find out five reasons and reasons for receiving interim settlement of severance pay, and the disadvantages of office workers!

One of the large sums of money that helps you prepare for your retirement is your retirement allowance. These days, there are many people who want to get their severance pay settled in the middle due to difficult times. In order to get a house, there may be various reasons such as children’s marriage and … Read more

2022년 09월 27일 대한민국 카메룬 Cameroon national football team roster

Qualified to Group G of the Qatar World Cup. They are in front of Korea and are in group with Brazil. Depending on the group stage results, they will be able to meet in the round of 16. Samuel Eltoo, who had his heyday at Barcelona and Chelsea, has been active outside the country as … Read more

2022년 09월 23일 대한민국 코스타리카 How to watch the Costa Rica soccer match in Korea

Korea’s Costa Rica match, the final evaluation match for the 2022 Qatar World Cup, will be played as Korea’s home match at Goyang Sports Complex on Friday, September 23, 2022 at 8:00 pm. You can watch it on TV through the TV Chosun channel. If you want to watch on a mobile phone or computer, … Read more

2022년10월1일 아스널 FC 토트넘 홋스퍼 FC Tottenham Hotspur match schedule

As April is coming to an end, the English Premier League is also coming to a close, but the fight for the 1st and 2nd places between Manchester City and Liverpool and the fight for the 4th place in the Premier League, which is the limit line for the Champions League, are still walking in … Read more

노란우산공제 가입조건 Conditions for joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction

The Yellow Umbrella Deduction is a deduction system for small businesses and small business owners to protect them from threats to livelihood such as closure of business or old age, and to make use of funds through income deductions and loans. Yellow idol deduction eligible for membership Source: Yellow Umbrella website How to join the … Read more

제로데이 택배 zero-day delivery

Express bus delivery is a same-day delivery system that can send nationwide in one day. Dozens or hundreds of express or intercity buses go to and from each city terminal every day, and the express bus delivery system uses the luggage compartment of the express bus to send parcels. Express bus courier uses a bus, … Read more