농협 올원 비상금대출 Nonghyup All One Emergency Loan Toss Mobile Small Living Expenses Product Comparison

The Nonghyup All One Emergency Loan is available regardless of occupation or income. If you are over the age of 19, you can apply 24 hours a day. This is a small emergency loan. This time, we will discuss the qualifications for the Nonghyup All One Emergency Loan and Regarding related contents such as limits … Read more

신한 JYP 체크카드 Shinhan Card JYP Fan’s EDM Check Card Release Announcement

As people become accustomed to non-face-to-face economic activities due to social distancing due to COVID-19, Payment methods have also changed rapidly. Card companies facing a crisis as fintech, non-face-to-face, and simple payment methods grow We are trying to overcome the crisis by launching PLCC (Business Mark Credit Card) through collaboration with several brands. ​ PLCC … Read more

마이신한포인트 현금 전환 Sales log (after MyShinhan Point cash conversion)

While I was busy today, I had more MyShinhan Points accumulated than I thought while checking the card price, so I applied for conversion to cash and accumulated 1 share of Macquarie Infrastructure. ​ As those of you who are using Shinhan Card may know, I will introduce a simple way to apply for cash … Read more

신한카드 영수증 Interpark bankbook deposit => card… Shinhan Card discount, cash receipt

10.7. Thursday. The last ticketing for the musical Excalibur was at 2pm. Fortunately, before the last ticketing, the last performance schedule (casting schedule) came out. Kim Junsu performs on the desired date 😆 ​ ​ This is a revelation from heaven to just go. I can’t help it ^^ 신한카드 영수증 Prepared for ticketing. ​ … Read more

신한 요기패스 체크카드 Receive Yogiyo affiliate discount with Yogi Pass credit card.

Click here to wrap the Paris Baguette. ​ ​ I can see a store close to my location. Click to select the menu you want. Packing times are also available, so you can choose according to your schedule. 신한 요기패스 체크카드 ​ ​ Oh yeah!! You can also participate in Yogiyo Roulette at lunchtime. 이베이스매뉴얼 … Read more

농협 체크카드 잔액조회 NH Nonghyup check card disaster support application, did you actually do it?

If you access the Smart NH Nonghyup Card app main, there will be items related to the Corona virus coexistence national support fund belonging to the 5th disaster support fund. You can apply from that section.   Before applying for this disaster aid as well as NH Nonghyup Card, it is recommended that you check … Read more

도로교통공단 이러닝센터 Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center

Road Traffic Authority e-learning center website The Road Traffic Authority provides online-based traffic safety education to establish traffic order and contribute to educational safety. Please use various traffic safety education services through the website of the e-learning center. 도로교통공단 이러닝센터 You can check senior driver education, school bus education, emergency car education, traffic safety teacher … Read more

웰컴저축은행 파킹통장 Welcome Savings Bank Parking Passbook 3% per year + Naver Pay Event

Recently, 4% interest rate time deposits appeared in commercial banks in the first financial sector, and now we have entered an era of very clear high interest rates. In fact, considering that the Toss Bank parking passbook appeared with an interest rate of 2% last year and caused a stir, it seems that the interest … Read more

삼성카드 카드번호 조회 Inquiry about usage period estimated by Samsung Card payment date

I use Kakao Pay frequently. Because the Goddess wanted to change the card Kakao Pay was issued with Samsung Card ​ ​ ​ <Card Benefits> ​ If you use Kakao Pay often 삼성카드 카드번호 조회 I think it would be a good choice Annual fee is Rs. ​ ​ You can apply for a card … Read more